Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
The Devil (Thoth) The Devil symbolizes formless nature - embodies things and processes that were previously only subliminal and are now coming to life. The Devil has been used as a scapegoat for all the perceived evils in the world and is a very misunderstood character in the deck. There is good and bad in all of the cards and as Crowley says, "This card represents creative energy in its most material form.... In this sign Mars is exalted, showing its best form, the fiery, material energy of creation." The Devil (NEE) I like the explanation of this card in the LWB: There is no central figure of a demon in this deck. This card just shows us the victims - modern evil cannot be blamed on some satanic being - it's done by the person next to you in a crowd, who may cause harm simply because of their ideology, which they use to justify their behavior. I see this card as a time to work with the shadow side we all have and coming to terms with it, not hiding it away. And if we are having issues with things are we the victim or perpetrator - who holds the chains? Are we letting blind impulses and temptations get in the way? Are we living the life we feel comfortable with? Looking closely at the troublesome issues lets us see them clearly and we must look at them objectively. We have free will to choose how we live and if things are causing issue we need to locate the source of the problem and choose to keep it or let it go and walk away.
Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
Five of Wands (Thoth) This is a card where the Kabbalistic symbolism describes it perfectly! Leo is sitting in fiery Geburah which gives us motion and strength - However, Saturn is adding a heaviness to the situation, tough resistance to that energy. Think magma trying to reach the surface but the mountain is keeping it under pressure. And just looking at the card, the lighter wands are being held down by the main wand - just a lot of mixed fire energy here. Five of Fire (NEE) A healthy competition? Frustrating conflicts? There is a lot of fire energy here and if we aren't careful, what could be a positive discharge of tension could result in some anger and frustration. (earworm? Under Pressure dun dun dun dada dun dun) This is a time to figure out what is causing the frustrations and looking at it bit by bit. Breaking it down and working with each part to resolve it with patience and some good humor if you can find it. Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
Hermit (Thoth) This Thoth headed Hermit carries the lamp of the sun with which he gives his light to the world. "Wander alone; bearing the Light and thy Staff! And be the Light so bright that no man seeth thee! BOT Light up your inner being and find your center. Here you will find your Higher Self and the wisdom of the Universe. Hermit (NEE) Ok, I LOVE this version of Hermit - Notice the graffiti behind him... the usual mountain on high! Also, his lamp is now the streetlight. This card is all about introspection, inner illumination and self-awareness. When we shut away the outside world, we can look within for the wisdom our subconscious and unconscious have for us and find peace within ourselves. A wandering hermit Racing toward the light There's nothing to stop you now Nothing can stop you now. (These earworms just keep coming) We need to take time to block out the chaotic world and look inside us every once in awhile. Taking the time to center ourselves keeps us more balanced and in tune with our nature. There are things we miss if we keep constantly busy so taking time to check in with ourselves is vital for our health and well being. Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
Death (Thoth) This is a time of making space for new things. Reaping that which is lifeless and holding us back. These changes are often drastic but necessary for continual growth. Alchemically, this card is about putrefaction - the chemical changes which develop the final form of life from the Orphic Egg. And if the aspects of putrefaction are allowed to unfold, the Egg is incubated to its final stage of development. This is not a scary persona on the card - but a lively dancer who is stirring up life on the bottom of the sea. As Crowley says, "the formula of continued life is death, or putrefaction." Death (NEE) A passage into a new life, transformation - the end and the beginning. I love this card - the skull is a reminder that we are in fact, flesh and bone and will eventually end in this form before moving into a new one. The poppies symbolic of life after death and also, associated with sleep. Turn and face the strange -Ch-ch-changes.... Earworm for your day - sorry not sorry. But there are changes we need to face - no matter how strange or scary. We cannot let ourselves sit and stagnate - we need to face the changes in front of us and embrace them. Or dance through them like our Dancing Reaper. This allows The Great Work to move forward and let us continue to change and learn and grow. And if Bowie isn't your thing.... Come on baby, don't fear the reaper. ;) Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
The Moon Thoth: The light that illuminates the darkness and some of the things we hide there - not always a fun path to walk down but there is a path that the Moon lights up for us. Crowley says, "It needs unconquerable courage to begin to tread this path." But he also says, "How splendid is the Adventure!" The Moon NEE: Travels in the subconscious, intuitive understanding and exploring one's dark or shadowy side. Following our instincts - also learning to be cautious - walking in shadow can be a tricky business. The moonflower on the card can symbolize initiation into the subconscious - to learn truths that allow us to blossom and grow. The Moon and its light is not something to fear. This is a great opportunity to work with the collective unconscious, open up to the rhythm of the universe - as well as giving your dark/shadow side space - getting to know that side of yourself you keep in hiding. This is a part of the Great Work, the union of self and all. As an aside, I have been wondering about creating a sigil for myself and asked the cards how to go about doing this... since I love the Moon card and all it symbolizes, I am loving this answer! The Making Magick card I drew also meshes fabulously with the Moon Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
Trying something a bit different - instead of drawing 2 different cards from each deck, I am going to pull 1 from Thoth and then grab the corresponding card from NEE - I think it will help the study of the symbolism and correspondences from the decks better - that's my theory anyhow LOL Seven of Cups Too much of what was once a good thing - "sinking into the mire of false pleasure," is how Crowley describes it. We are surrounded by what seems to be a good time full of happy pleasures but there are TOO many of them to choose from and not all of them are even good for us. This feels almost like a test - choose the right thing, focus on what you really see and feel and need - don't let illusions of something get in the way of walking your path. 7 of Water Camels walking in a desert, surrounded by mirages - illusions of life giving water that can intoxicate and trap us, giving us a false sense of reality. We can't be mislead by living with wishful thinking - daydreaming is one thing - but don't let your judgement get clouded by what is real and what is only a mirage. Having a lot to choose from is a good thing as long as we can stay mindful of what is real and what only seems to be a good thing. This is a time to stick to your morals and good judgement - and not being tempted by too much of a good thing. Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
The Lovers This card depicts a scene from The Chymical Marriage of Christian Rosenkruetz, which Crowley describes as, "a masterpiece too lengthy to quote in this place." And this card is so full of alchemical goodness that it would take quite a bit of room to detail it all. But is sums up as a marriage of opposites, of duality, of the union of things to create new things. From the wedding scene here we have the alchemy to create new life. This type of love, is not just a feeling, it is an energy state and a way of being more connected and alive. It is achieving a balance and a harmony of opposites. Mother of Fire Earth of Fire, this Mother is about inner transformation, change and independence. She is powerful and very self-confident, she knows where she is, where she belongs and what she is doing. She is protective of those she loves and will not back down if challenged - the fire in her is a fury you do not want to mess with. These cards combine for a powerful and fiery energy - it is time to step away from darkness and doubt and step forward into the light of Universal Love. Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
Prince of Wands Sharp and fiery energy - this Prince IS sharp - as well as generous, independant, strong and courageous. He will fight against any odds and will most often, win - in the long long run. That Phoenix staff, symbolic of rising from the ashes - shows that we will also go through challenges that will require us to rise as well. When you have this energy running through you - you can do all the things! Don't doubt yourself - grab this energy and let it flow! 9 of Earth This card is ruled by Venus in Virgo. It shows good luck attending material affairs, favour and popularity... the mingling of good luck and good management." Book of Thoth. While this card is not the Thoth deck, it is based on it and Crowley's words ring true here... this card is about contentment, security and good fortune. Like the small seedling gently being held, we should be inspired to branch out and try more, learn more, do more. We are capable of so much and if we BELIEVE that, we will find a way to make it happen. The Universe will see you trying and help in that creation. We have to make the effort and then trust that the Universe will be there to help complete it. So today is the time to really get moving - you have a fantastic energy to work with and the solidity of the Earth to ground it in. Believe in yourself, no doubts - let that energy flow, show you mean it and the Universe will meet you halfway. Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
Looks like we are being directed to the number 2 today: Choices, duality, Balance, Partnerships 2 of Cups A gorgeous card, with water flowing clear and strong. Crowley says, "It is perfect and placid harmony, radiating an intensity of joy and ecstasy." This is water/emotion in its best and highest form. This is about letting love flow easily and endlessly - both love of others and love of self. Don't forget, you need to let that love flow within you as well. 2 of Fire Mars in Aries - a card of struggle and aggression. Feeling the need to assert yourself. This can be done in a constructive manner or in a violent one. We have the choice to give in to the aggressive or to find a way into a more constructive and helpful manner. Lightning is striking, it is up to you do use that potentially deadly energy in a way that creates, not destroys. So today we are reminded to open up, receive the love that flows around us and let it help us water down that aggressive struggle and need to win or be right. Finding an emotional balance and point of view will make things a whole lot easier to deal with. Letters From Thoth & The New Era Elements
10 of Disks The end, the climax of the descent of matter and the signal for the redintegration by spirit. It is the last card, representing Malkuth/Earth and Assiah, the material plane. This card has no choice but to form a link with the secret of creation, reincarnate fresh at the top of the Tarot Cycle. I love what Crowley says, "when wealth accumulates beyond a certain point, it must become completely inert and cease to be wealth, or call in the aid of intelligence to use it rightly." In other words, once there is more than we know what to do with, we need to keep that extra moving along. Otherwise, we lose that energy and everything stagnates. We have to keep on keeping on. Mother of Earth My phone app also gave me Mother of Pentacles today, I love it when the Universe sends it's love. This energy is all about security and connection to all of life. It's about love and protecting those you love and care about with a calm practicality. So today is about our material security and comfort. We have what we need and more! And instead of holding on tightly to that "more," we need to keep it moving, sharing it with others. Regenerate the wealth and the security and keep it growing! |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024