Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle What an excellent match these 2 cards are! Eight of Coins This is a time of learning and perfecting your craft and completing work to high standards. Once you know how something works, you can then apply your own creativity and craftsmanship to it and this can bring you financial fulfillment. Pay attention to details and be diligent - one step a time will get you there! Success/Alder This lovely Priestess brings us balance and a time of discovery and when she appears personal or business ventures will be successful! You have worked hard and now it is paying off. Stay balanced and positive and know great things are about to happen. So today is a good time to continue learning your craft or even learning a new one! Is there something you'd like to learn or create? Take the time to do it right, stay balanced and diligent - and be creative as only you can!
Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Four of Cups At first glance is seems like such a pretty card full of stuff... but it is a LOT of stuff, very crammed in there too. The sea floor is looking a tad wavy and the lotus that is pouring the waters into the cups looks wilted. Too much of a good thing? I like what Lon Milo DuQuette says in Understandings Crowley's Thoth... "... familiarity is starting to breed contempt and eventually enough will be enough." We may have a lot of love around us but have we started taking that love for granted? Don't get careless with the love given to you or take it for granted - it may just disappear. Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle Knight of Cups The LOVE knight! He is all romance and shiny ideals. Very enchanting and dreamy - but be careful you are actually seeing those aspects in this person and not just projecting them - This is a great possibility just assess all that is being offered before diving heart first. Innocence/Daisy This is a time to remember we all are divine beings - we are all here having this experience on Earth and we are all gonna mess up - that's ok, it happens - don't let guilt or sadness weigh you down and don't judge others for their foibles. So today is a day to play, love, dream. Remember we are all here doing this Human Thing together - so let's try to work together and make it a good life, full of love and hope. Letters From the Thoth Tarot
The Magus I love all the symbols on this card - it has everything it needs to create what it wants. What you need to focus on here is intention. You have what you need but do you know how to use it properly? You can wish for all you like but you need to be careful what you wish for... and how you go about manifesting it. Make sure you are focused and using the correct intent - stay mindful - you are the creator of your world - so create it well! ![]() Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle Four of Swords Oh I do love this card. It just looks restful. And that is what this card is reminding us to do. Rest, relax, unwind. This is a period of recovery after stress or illness - this means walking away from all the chaos and really resting. Take this time for personal space - regain your perspectives from a calm environment. This way you stay healthy and are able to better deal with the world. Integrity/Ivy The symbolism on this card perfectly matches the 4 of swords. Everything is balanced, symbolising that balanced and measured thought needs to happen when making decisions. Only you know how honest and moral you are being. Are you acting with the best intentions? Making the right decisions can be tough but it's the only way to be true to yourself. Follow your values - because they will follow you for the rest of your life. So today is a day to step back from the world and do a little self care. Check in with yourself and be sure you are in alignment with your path. Be true to yourself and the rest will follow. ![]() Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Four of Disks There is a strong sense of balance and security in this card. An aerial view looking down over a castle type building surrounded by a watery moat. Each of the towers has a symbol of the 4 elements too. Right now there is a good sense of security and success in our material life. A good solid foundation to build upon. It is also a time to be thankful for that security. Crowley says in the Book of Thoth, "Chesed shows the establishment of the Universe in three dimensions, that is below the Abyss." A pretty good description of the 4 of Disks. (also, I am JUST learning the deeper symbolism of each card in the Thoth deck and wow, things are just starting to click) Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle I love how the chalices echo in these cards King of Coins Jon Snow, King in the North. He has a steady and firm energy. He cares about his people and is emotionally connected to them. He wants to do the right thing even if it is the hard thing. He is tolerant and very kind and can think in a crisis. Inspiration/Hawthorn This is the time to look around you for inspiration. It is everywhere if you look carefully. Keep your mind active and happy by looking for new things to challenge it - always keep learning and stretching your knowledge. Your mind needs a good workout just like your body does - this will keep it in excellent shape and will give you greater clarity and insights! Drink from that cup of knowledge! So today is a good day to stay calm and balance any emotions that are trying to get away from you. It might help to acknowledge what is bothering you and try to learn more about it. The more you know the easier it is to deal with things with calm clarity. Letters From the Thoth Tarot
The Empress Just look at this gorgeous and soothing card. It just flows with love and calmness. This is Venus, Mother Earth, the Goddess and Great Mother. Surrounded by grasses, which form her throne and Venus's birds, a dove and sparrow. Bees on her bright red blouse, the lotus scepter and it almost looks like she could be holding an invisible baby in her arms. There is just so much beauty in this card and it reminds us to be in touch with this kind, loving, strong and compassionate energy. This is a unconditional love so let it flow through you and out from you as well. Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Knight of Disks This is a practical, be prepared for anything kind of Knight. Although, his horse appears to be more interested in the grass, but that's ok too. Horse has got to eat ;) The Knight is looking over his field, making sure all is well. He is steady and progresses step by step. While this energy can look stodgy or boring, it has the capacity for much more if you give it a chance. This isn't a showy card but a solid and reliable one. Always be ready for anything! Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle Ace of Cups While this cup actually skeezes me out a bit (joffrey *shudder*) it is a lovely card to draw. Love cups! And here is the seed and beginning of something new. Love, creative projects or ventures? Whatever it is you are wanting to start, now is the time to do it. Follow the watery flow of this ace and see where it takes you. Illumination/Sage I love what this card says, "I am sending you light, even now. Shine on beautiful ones. You are loved." So let that loving light shine all over your life. Especially if you have been feeling off or down, purifying yourself and your home can re-energize you and give you a feeling of new life! So today, feel the flow of love and light all around you. Now is the time to get started on that thing you have been wanting to do - no reason to wait and right now you have everything you need to get going. Let the light shine on everything! |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025