So - I pre-ordered this awhile ago and finally got around to opening it up - and I was hesitant because so many people have been hating on this deck.
I can sort of understand why - a small reason is the cardstock is very soft and fragile feeling. But I have other decks of the same material and I just shuffle carefully. The main reason is one that perplexes me to no end. The Minor Arcana are not labelled at all. Just numbered. And since they re-named them anyway, it is very confusing to say the least. Sort of. Strength = Wands Intelligence = Swords Wisdom = Cups Charisma = Coins Obviously they renamed them for D&D attributes and I agree with 2 of them LOL Intelligence and Wisdom work perfectly as Swords and Cups. But I have some issues with Strength and Wands and Charisma as Coins. Some work but most would actually fit better if they were swapped. That aside, I like this deck. A lot. The more I think on it, I can either use a gold sharpie to make a small mark at the bottom of the Minors to denote suit - or use the deck to tell a story, which is what Tarot is, is it not? I mean, yes, you should absolutely learn the card meanings and symbolism - just go do that with a regular RWS deck first. Then come play with this one because the art is gorgeous and as a D & D nerd, it just makes me heart happy. I did an interview with it - photo above. It was SPOT ON. 1: What work are we meant to do together? The World - Endings and Beginnings - Coming to a place of completion and power both internally and externally. (Perfect) 2: What am I ready to embrace and step into with our partnership? Nine of Intelligence (Swords) - Looking at how thoughts can create turmoil and finding a way to observe them from a dispassionate space of stillness. (I Love This) 3: How do you offer and deliver wisdom? The Fool - Follow your heart with innocence and wonder. (Excellent advice) 4: What card in this deck will be a deep teacher for me? Judgment - Our capability to discern what is truly important and to use it to weed the garden of our life. (Spot on again and so where I am right now in life) Because I do know how to read the cards in both the RWS and Thoth traditions, I think this deck will be a bit of a different reading experience. I am pretty much going to use the cards to simply tell me a story - I have found that even just looking at a card will pretty much get you close enough to the "accepted" meanings anyway. This deck will be a very excellent campaign adventure. If you are looking for a deck with and easy RWS type read, don't get this one. But seriously, if you can deal with the Minors being unlabeled and are willing to work at it a bit, I think it will make a great deck to own. Some cards I quite like the art on:
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Fool's Journey Day 16
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 15 - The Devil This side: The Devil crouches on top of a rough pedestal. Chained to it stand The Lovers (card 6). The Devil, part human and part beast with bat wings symbolizing his dark essence. Goat legs depict his beastial nature. In a reading: You need to seriously examine things right now. Which are you in this scene? Devil, with the power or are you the vulnerable person? Look closely at your behavior and see what badly needs to change. If you are bound, you need to break those chains and if you are in servitude to something... addictive behavior, bad habits, bad relationship... you need to let those things go. Find help, someone to talk too. That side: Is very much the same as the first side. The Devil is the Devil, he does not change. He awaits new arrivals now. Behind him burn the tributes he demands from those who serve him. Burning book - the Devil hates knowledge. But there is a lotus that perhaps The Devil is unaware of. The flower born from mud, represents the spirit that can rise from the deepest inferno. In a reading: While the meaning is much the same as the first side, it also says The Devils attentions are elsewhere for the moment. You have a chance to escape what has kept you trapped. Take the hope that flowers before you. Fool's Journey Day 13
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 12 - The Hanged Man This side: The Hanged Man is suspended from a simple gallows, but not one of death. Notice how calm and serene he appears. His hands are loosely tied and he has voluntarily surrendered here. He has given up control - temporarily - wanting to see things from a different perspective than his own. In a reading: The Hanged Man has the alchemical symbol for sulfer (the soul) on his shirt BUT the symbol is only right side up when he is upside down! This symbol is for you. The Hanged Man is demonstrating how important soul work is and is showing you that you are ready to start. That side: Now it is night but not the dark night of the soul. There is a vast cosmic awareness here. Two men, the acolytes of The Hierophant, standing before him and this is the next stage of their spiritual development. The Hanged Man is their teacher, showing how to give up what they know (Dogma of Church?) and to surrender to the unknowable. In a reading: You could look at the two sides of this card as exhalation and inhalation. On the other side, ego and preconceptions are released. This side, symbols enter the consciousness to be seen more clearly, by a mind with no expectations. Notice, the snake from the Hierophant's cross has come down to earth in this card. Wisdom no longer linked to doctrine. The Hierophant's mask is broken, illusions shattered. What are you now ready to see? Fool's Journey Day 12
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 11 - Justice This side: Here Justice sits, blindfolded to stay subjective, on her throne. Her diadem is a solar symbol just over her third eye, illuminating insight. She is sitting in Ma'at's temple, the Egyptian Goddess of Truth. Those at death, come to Ma'at, who will place a feather on one side of the scales and the heart of the dead on the other. If the heart is light, they move on, if not, they are thrown to the jaws of Ammit, the Devourer. Justice's scales are impartial, her only duty is to the truth. In a reading: Right now a situation demands the truth. How does your heart sit on the scales of Justice? There will be no pleas, but she is not cruel. Justice embodies fairness but whatever needs to be done in this situation to make it fair and balanced will be done. Delaying it will only bring hardship to you. That side: On the back of Justice's throne is a carving of Ammit. Like Ma'at, Ammit is fair and just, she only devours those whose heart has determined the outcome. But it looks as though the scales of Justice have been broken here and the sword of truth she holds is trapped. Without Justice, Ammit is free to devour whom she chooses, regardless of innocence or guilt. In a reading: You cannot sneak around Justice. You may get away with it for awhile but the truth will come out eventually. Face it now of your own free will or Justice will cast her verdict for you. This situation is fragile and fraught with danger. Fool's Journey Day 9
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 8 - Strength This side: Strength is here in a sunny field of wheat with a great lion. She is smiling and calm and it is clear that she is in no danger. Strength is the power from within. She is sitting on the lions flank and playfully opening his jaws much like one would play with a house cat. In a reading: Don't be afraid to access your strength and put them to good use. But also be playful and to remember that you can be powerful without being overpowering. Have patience and compassion. You have the inner strength to endure and succeed. That side: Here we see the Devil (which is the card directly below Strength in the next row of 7) looming up in front of Strength, dimming the light of the sun. But she is life force itself and cannot be dimmed by that darkness. The devil may threaten but he can't destroy what refuses to be destroyed. In a reading: Face your shadow self and let go of old chains holding you back. You don't have to repeat the same patterns anymore. Confront your demons and claim your strength and power back. So far we have walked through the first 8 cards of the Major Arcana.
0 - The Fool 1 - The Magician 2- The High Priestess 3 - The Empress 4 - The Emperor 5 - The Hierophant 6 - The Lovers 7 - The Chariot We can liken this first stage of the journey as personal growth and the process of maturity. We start as a child, growing up with mom and dad as our power figures. Then schools/isms where we find our beliefs. Dealing with matters of love and authority. And our own personal drive and developed ego. We have learned the lessons of the previous cards, wandered through adolescence and have come to the mature adult life where we can direct our own will. At this point we have a life, but not a very full one. Instead of staying stuck in the ego based world, we are going to move forward to the subconscious side of things. The search inward to find out who we are and then onward from there to the superconscious and spiritual awareness, unity with the universal forces all around us. Next up: We move inward, to 8 Strength. Fool's Journey Day 7
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 6 - The Lovers This side: Between the Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, stands The Lovers. They are naked between an archangel. They both present the yin/yang of light and dark, wearing a mask of the opposite color. A snake, who has awakened the need for knowledge, winds around the Tree of Life while the Tree of Knowledge is on fire - symbol of their world of ignorant bliss going up in flames. But from the burning tree comes the voice of the Divine. The choices between knowledge and ignorance can leave us vulnerable, but that is how we create our own paradise. In a reading: usually indicative of a significant relationship, the symbols also show the ideas of choice and seeing things through another's eyes while making that choice. If you are also faced with making a choice, know it will be easier if your other also supports this decision. This can also mean a friend, co-worker, family or yourself, in agreement with self to gain clarity in the choices we make. That side: Night time is now here and the Lovers look our over a peaceful scene, ready to go forward. He wears the alchemical symbol for fire and she wears the symbol for water. When united by Mercury (hovering above) they form a hexagram that shines in the skies, The Alchemical Marriage. In a reading: This sides energy is much cooler and balanced. The Lovers are alone now and there is a sense of calmness. It should be easier for you to see where you are going now. Look at the elemental qualities of your life (and life with a partner if that fits,) and see where they collide and where they come together in perfect union. Fool's Journey Day 3
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 2 - The High Priestess This side: This card is a balance of light and dark, positive and negative, with the High Priestess at the center of understanding. There is a sacred book of knowledge in her lap and she is inviting you to approach and learn. But not everything with be revealed at once. Half of her throne is veiled and blocks the entrance to the inner temple. Worthiness must be proven before being admitted. In a reading: To find true wisdom, you must look within and when the High Priestess appears you need to trust your own instincts and guidance. Now is a time for silence and to open your spirit. Seek stillness and listen to your inner voice. The veil will be lifted when you are ready to learn more. That side: When one is ready to comprehend new mysteries you can enter this inner temple. A knot of Isis is carved onto the back of her throne, she is sacred to the feminine and brings mystical knowledge. In a reading: Now is the time to reflect upon what you have recently learned. There are 2 keys of knowledge which are now yours. Gold of worldly matters and silver of mystical matters. You have earned them. Fool's Journey Day 2
With The Vice Versa deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. The next step on our journey is 1 - The Magician This Side: Our Magician stands with left hand pointed up and right downward, As Above, So Below. On the table are the tools of his trade, Sword, Chalice, Wand and Pentacle (minor arcana suits) The table seems to hover in the air supported by the will of the Magician. He gives off an air of calm power, trusting and confident. Above his head, a lemniscate, symbol of infinity. A comet races through the sky above through the constellation of Orion. In a reading: Magic is the ability to change reality by will. The Magician channels the natural forces around him to create his world. He is dedicated to honing his power and skills and believes in his Magic abilities. This card says you have all you need to make any changes in your life and succeed in any adventure. But you must believe it to make it real. That side: The Magician faces sunset, acknowledging the dark and the light, found within and without. The back of his robe is purple, the color of the 7th chakra, seat of wisdom and enlightenment. On it, is the kabbalistic Tree of Life and a lily, spiritual aspiration, grows behind him. In a reading: now is the time your new endeavor is trying to push through. Pull your energy inward. If you feel stalled or failing to progress how you'd like to, find the dark silent space inside you and focus there. Magic requires concentration. The power is there but you must find it and bring it forth I figured a new month is a great time to start the Fool's Journey - no matter how well you think you know the cards, there is ALWAYS something new to learn. I will be using the Vice Versa Tarot which is based on the RWS decks and has the added appeal of a different side to add to the meanings.
With this deck the original side is called This Side and the added side is called That Side. There is no good side or bad side or right side and reverse side. It simply another aspect of the card. To start the journey is to start with the 0 - The Fool which will symbolize our self, setting out on a new adventure. We start as the Fool and move our way through the Major Arcana cards, learning more about ourselves and how we follow our path and our purpose. This Side: We have a blind young man standing on the edge of a precipice at sunset. His attitude is serene because his inner sight is telling him all is well. He seems to be coming from a desert type area, dry and mountainous and yet he has made it this far alone. He is bold and trusts the inherent goodness of the world to keep him safe. In a reading: The Fool symbolizes the leap of faith. Not always doing what others might consider rational or logical. The leap is what matters most, that start of something. There are many experiences to be had and the Fool follows them in a most serendipitous way. Everything in his path adds to his wisdom. Be bold and trust yourself and the Universe to keep you safe as you start your adventure. That Side: The Fool is leaving a barren land for a land green and welcoming. The journey looks easier once he gets down from the high cliff top. Stars shine down on him showing us that he isn't alone at all. His dog, faithful companion is with him, watching over him. In a reading: Something good is coming and where you are heading is better than where you are. Trust yourself, your instincts, that gut feeling, intuition and let them guide you. Keep an eye out for signs and synchronicities that will help you along the way. Even the smallest of incidents can change your path in the best of ways if we are only paying attention to what goes on around us. |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024