Daily Mindfulness
IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN! SPIRIT HALLOWEEN TAROT! . Four of Cups - Emotionally looking inwards or perhaps a bit too much self-absorption going on. Things are being offered to you but if you aren't paying attention, they will disappear in a cloud of smoke. Notice where your attention is going and try to focus on what is being offered, right in front of you. Ghoul - Some say a ghoul is a desert-dwelling demon that can assume the guise of an animal. It lures unwary people into the desert wastes or abandoned places to slay and devour them. So today - Don't ignore what might be right in front of you - or get lured into the abandoned places of self-absorption. Stay mindfulness to what is right in front of you - or you might miss something interesting! . #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #tarotpractioner #tarotandoracle #spirithalloweentarot #spirittarotcards #funtarotdecks
Daily Mindfulness
.. . Two of Cups The first manifestation of the water element and water in its best/highest form. A gorgeous card too. It sits in Chokmah on the Tree of Life and that is expressive of Will. Crowley says, "This card might really be renamed the Lord of Love under Will for that is its full and true meaning. It shows the harmony of the male and female. It is perfect and placid harmony, radiating an intensity of joy and ecstasy. .. . This is about equal and balanced love/emotions. It is also about letting yourself receive love as well as give it to others. This card expresses duality, where the Ace was unity, the Two shows us unity in difference - it needs something besides itself to focus on. With the Ace we learn to open our hearts and love ourselves - with the Two, we can then share that love and letting it flow constantly - never let it stagnate. What you send out in joy will continue to grow and bless you. .. . #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #powerfultarotdeck #thegreatwork #twoofcups #waterinitsbestform #duality #sharedlove #lettingloveflow #openemotions #harmonyandbalance #malefemaleduality #joyandecstasy #letlovegrow Daily Mindfulness
Lady Harris illustrated this one so perfectly - all those crackly, stabby thoughts running amok in our heads - with no direction - out of control. But there is hope! We just need to be brave enough to face the things we are hiding from. Nine of Swords Crowley says this is "agony of the mind." As balanced as Yesod gives on the middle column of the Tree of Life, Mars just takes over and we are left with this mess. Our minds are just filled with the mean reds here and Crowley says, "Consciousness has fallen into a realm unenlightened by reason. This is the world of the unconscious primitive instincts, of the psychopath, the fanatic." .. . Despair, cruelty, malice, loss and misery. While these all sound horrible, we need to realize we are in the realm of the mind and it likes analytic thinking. Often to the point of over-analyzing everything. And when we do this, we often see truths we would rather ignore or hope will go away. The mind won't sugar coat this and when it happens we either stick our heads in the sand or we face the truth, as uncomfortable as that may be. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #bookofthoth #treeoflife #thegreatwork #crowleythothtarot #thothtarot #nineofwands #agonyofthemind #overanalyzing #thinkingtoomuch #dontstickyourheadinthesand #facereality #stayfocused #thisistemporary Daily Mindfulness
Had to get out the Halloween Oracle today and it brought some Joy with it! Joy This is our reminder to find the Joy in any moment - even if we are stuck and feel there is little to be happy about. Actively look for the things that bring you pleasure and happiness and cultivate those things into your daily routines. It might seem weird to "schedule," joy, but sometimes we need to get into the habit before it becomes natural. #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram Daily Mindfulness
It has been a very Knight of Disks/Pentacles few days. .. Knight of Pentacles Ever have a day where everyone is hurrying you up, do this do that now now now? This Knight is the energy you need to block their squawking 😆 This Knight knows exactly what he is doing and will finish it one step at a time without getting distracted along the way. This Knight gives you a sensible path to success and to see any endeavor through to the end. . #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #powerfultarotdeck #dailymindfulness #murderofcrowstarot #knightofpentacles #staybalanced #onethingatatime #staysensible Daily Mindfulness
This Knight focuses our ability to manifest abundance! What do you wish to harvest in your life? .. . Knight of Disks Fire of Earth, this Knight is solid and hardworking. I also love his horse, who seems to be more interested in eating than anything else. But, that is actually a perfect symbol for this card, as the Knight's function is, "entirely confined to the production of food." (BOT) The Earth in this card suppresses the Knights natural fire -keeping him well grounded in the material world. .. . This is the hardworking, nose to the grindstone Knight and he isn't much concerned with matters intellectual. He is practical and reliable and knows that the effort you put in to something comes with a great reward. .. . #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #bookofthoth #treeoflife #fireofearth #knightofdisks #hardworking #dependable #hardworkpaysoffs #greatrewards #staygrounded #whatyouputiniswhatyougetout Daily Mindfulness
I woke up this morning after getting a good night sleep after so much insomnia and thought what a sunshine day! Then pulled the Sun card! .. . The Sun Now is the time to access our inner generators and get to creating. We have unlimited energy here and we should grab that vitality and optimism - and keep on shining. .. . As the Sun constantly regenerates so do we. At one time people thought the Sun died each night but now we know that isn't true. Sunlight is perpetual and Death is an illusion and the night will end with another day of Sun. The Sun is a symbol of creation and motivation and continuation. Like the kids on the card, we should be dancing with this energy and exploring how to express ourselves in a never ending way. .. . #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #aliestercrowley #thelema #thegreatwork #teachingthetarot #thesuntarotcard #thenextstage #regeneration #newlife #lordofthenewaeon #aeonofhorus #emancipatemankind #movingonwardandupward #newdaydawning #outdatedbeliefs #newgrowth #continuation #creation #motiviation #expressyourself Daily Mindfulness
And after the Tower moments of our lives, comes the Star - a return of hope in the world - a gateway to peace and light. You are a radiant being - trust yourself and let yourself shine. .. . The Star This Star is Nuit, not arched across the sky, but in Goddess form. The great globe behind her represents the entire heavens surrounding the Earth - so everything we see on the card transcends the concept of infinite space. .. . This is a guiding light for us and we too are an opening for light through which anything can manifest. . A card of hope and promise and rest and renewal, Nuit gives: Unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death, peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice." (Book of the Law) .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #teachingthetarot #bookofthelaw #thegreatwork #thestartarotcard #unimaginablejoy #hopeforthefuture✨ #promiseofgoodthingstocome #nuit #babylon #transcendinfinitespace #everymanandwomanisastar Daily Mindfulness
. Trickster I like this card - it allows us to see ourselves in a new way - it reminds us to get out of stale routines and habits - things that keep us stagnating - much like the Death card in Tarot. It also reminds us to look at things beneath the surface and not just at face value. And something I try to do is always see the humor in any situation - it can help when you are feeling really upset or stuck. The card also warns us that things may not always be what they seem, and to be discerning! . #dailymindfulness #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #makingthingshappen #thisiswhereyoubelong #oraclecardoftheday #nativespiritoraclecards #trickster Daily Mindfulness
. The Fantod welcomes us to Fall! It brings us: The Burning Head! Things to watch for: Bafflement Loss of saliva Chilblains Wandering sickness Evil Companions An impediment Despondency . Maybe stay hydrated and take extra Vitamin C and watch our for sketchy companions! . #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #dailytarotcard #thefantoddeck #fantod #edwardgorey #theburninghead #oraclecard #oracledeck #oraclecardoftheday #edwardgoreyart #unforseen #forewarnedisforearmed #tarotpractioner #gigglefortheday |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024