I had a lot of fun reading with this novelty deck. I am not sure who created it or if they had any idea of tarot in general, but for the most part, the characters on the cards went well with the general meanings.
Some people in IG mentioned compiling all my daily readings into a sort of Little White Book for this deck since it didn't come with one, so here it is. But this is just MY interpretations - I took the generic RWS meanings and combined them with the character on the cards. All in fun but I learned a lot about both the card meanings and the characters as well. Onward! Majors: Fool Magician High Priestess Empress Emperor Hierophant Lovers Chariot Strength Hermit Wheel of Fortune Justice Hanged Man Death Temperance Devil Tower Star Moon Sun Judgement World Minors: Swords Ace Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Page Knight Queen King Cups Ace Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Page Knight Queen King Wands Ace Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Page Knight Queen King Pentacles Ace Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Page Knight Queen King
Daily Mindfulness
3 Card Draw - Last of the Spirit Tarot Cards Page of Swords - Time to be spontaneous and use your enthusiasm to learn new things and try new creative ideas! Enjoy your intellect and give it some things to play with today! Headless Horseman - He is traditionally depicted as a man on horseback who is missing his head. Depending on the legend,he is either carrying his head, or is missing his head altogether, and is searching for it. Seven of Wands - Make a stand today. You made it to the top so don't back down now. Fight for what you believe in and make sure you believe in yourself! You got this! Mummy - is a deceased human or an animal whose skin and organs have been preserved. It was also a fun movie with Brendan Fraser! Ten of Swords - Ok, it's the stabby card. No one really likes the stabby card but it happens. Cruddy things happen but don't let your thoughts turn victim-y. Take charge of your attitude, acknowledge this is a sad time and then move your energy forward. There is always a light ahead - let yourself see that light! Gryphon - is a legendary creature with the body, tail, and back legs of a lion; the head and wings of an eagle. So today, Let your inner page energies loose. Don't get caught up in needless squabbles that take your energy away. Let go of the negative vibes that threaten you and keep you wrapped up tightly. Take charge and move to a more positive mindset. You got this! Daily Mindfulness
3 Card Draw Black Friday Madness Edition The Moon - One of my favorite cards! A time of looking at our dreams and intuition. The light of the moon casts strange shadows and things look very different under her glow. Don't fear these shadows. Let go of the fears - pay attention to your dreams and those intuitive thoughts! Werewolf - In folklore, a werewolf is a human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction. A shadow self if you will. Four of Pentacles - Are you trying to hold on tightly to all the things? Using all of your hands and legs to grip tightly and not let go? If you keep trying to control everything it is going to tire you out and make you very possessive. Don't hold on so tightly - it is a waste of energy! Echidna - more often it's a cute hedgehog looking thing but for our card it is a serpent -nymph in Greek mythology, "a beautiful woman in the upper part of her body; but instead of legs and feet, she had from the waist downward, the form of a serpent." Eight of Swords - You are allowing your thoughts to hold you prisoner and you probably can't see the whole picture right now. Don't let your thoughts run away with you - deal with the things you can and let the rest go. You can't control everything so don't let it stress you out. You are the master of your thoughts! Pegasus - is a mythical winged stallion - one of his many jobs was to carry Zeus's lightning bolts. Because of his years of faithful service to Zeus, Pegasus was later honoured with transformation into a constellation! So today, we need to look into our shadow selves and see with our intuition. Let go of the need to control everything and don't let your thoughts run away with you. Plot out your Black Friday shopping before you so you know exactly what you want. Let go of the grabby hands - do you really need that thing? and let your inner Pegasus fly freely over the crazy crowds! Daily Mindfulness - Crazy Family Gathering Edition
1 Card The Star - It's crazy and loud and there are so many people around you that your head is going to spin soon. It's OK. Holidays can be nuts. So, if you are dealing with a lot of family and friends all up in your space - find a quiet place and just breathe. The Star is giving you a quiet space to just be still. Relax and find your center. Prepare for the chaos that comes after everyone wakes up from their post turkey naps and want leftovers and to fight over which football game to watch. Tooth Fairy - when you lose a tooth - she brings you a nice shiny coin. When you lose your shit from the chaos, she brings you peace - or an Amazon gift card. It's all good. So today, find a nice spot to get away from it all. Order some incense and a good book online. Rest in the space of calm tranquility and put some headphones on while everyone else is fighting over the remote control. Daily Mindfulness
3 Card Draw The Hierophant - look for someone(s) who can help mentor you in areas you have been interested in learning. Or perhaps someone(s) may be in need of what you have to teach. Sharing and learning and teaching can help us all move forward on our paths. Just be certain what you are learning is in line with who you are! Voodoo Warlock - there is a LOT of information on this one and I'll let you Google if you wish. But in summary, someone who can teach you or show you or inform you about voodoo. Knight of Pentacles - Practical and sure, sticking to the plans even if it takes FOREVER to get there. It is great to be dedicated but don't lose your perspective. If the Knight energy isn't working find a nice balance of movement and plodding along. Warrior - brave soldier or fighter King of Cups - Emotional leader, serene and sensual - very wise and understanding. Always gentle and tolerant - he may be showing you how to respond to a situation as he would. Orc -are a brutish, aggressive, repulsive and generally malevolent species - think Lord of the Rings and Saruman - nasty things. So today, it seems like there may be things to learn or perhaps to teach. It may feel like this time is going slowly or you may feel stuck. Be gentle with yourself at this time, learn what you need to learn and find a nice balance of energy to keep things going. Don't let things plod along until you are orc-ish! Daily Mindfulness
3 Card Draw The Hanged Man - Things are up in the air right now and we may need to surrender our egos for a bit and let the need to control everything go. Sometimes we need to look at different points of view to see the bigger picture and gain understanding. It's not easy but necessary. Use this time to reflect and learn. Imp - A small lesser demon and not necessarily always evil. Imps were mischievous rather than evil and in some regions they were attendants of the gods. They were often portrayed as lonely and in search of human attention. They often used jokes as a means of attracting friendship, which often backfired when people became annoyed of the imp's endeavors, usually driving it away. Six of Swords - Time to move forward - you now have some help to get your moving from the situation you find yourself in. Take the hand offered and move into a more positive energy. (physical or mental) - where are you going and what do you need to leave behind? Harpy - wind spirits - depicted as birds with the heads of maidens and long claws on their hands, they steal food from their victims while they are eating and carry evildoers to the Erinyes. Two of Swords - have you been blocking yourself off? It isn't healthy to deny your feelings or refuse to look at the things troubling you. It is better to stay open to find the peace we need. Ghost - soul of a dead person, disembodied spirit. So today, it may feel like everything is tumbling around and we just want to close ourselves off and hide under the covers. But we can't. It is better to take the help being offered to you and move forward to a more positive place - don't ghost yourself! Stay open and find a better perspective to look at the world around you! Today is Situation/Challenge
Situation - Knight of Cups - He is on a spiritual type quest for adventure and love and delivering messages from the divine. Romantic and introspective with lots of imagination. Willing to open up to love and then to share what he feels with others. Express your feelings! Gynn - Just a warning - I am totally channeling The Genie from Aladdin, you have been warned. "Mister Aladdin, sir What will your pleasure be? Let me take your order Jot it down You ain't never had a friend like me" This Genie just wanted out of the lamp, a little freedom and to spread the love. Mission accomplished! Challenge - Eight of Pentacles - Practice makes perfect and slowly but surely you gain experience and prosper at what you do. This is about learning your craft and working consistently on what you are trying to achieve. Mistakes will happen but it is part of the learning process so don't let them get you down. Keep on keeping on! Zombie - Fictional undead peoples. Usually walking around looking well, drippy and or losing bits of themselves along the way. They seem to be pretty one track-minded - Brains Brains - but seem relatively easy to run over in a car. It's their predictability that makes them easy to hit. So today, try finding your inner Genie Knight and have some fun adventures. While practice does make perfect, don't get so lost in what you are doing that you zombify yourself and forget to have any sort of fun. As with all things, balance, is the key! Daily Mindfulness
Skull of Stars - Infinite Possibilities This card reminds us to think bigger about the future and the things we want to achieve. Let go of negative thoughts and old beliefs that may be holding us back. We are not small - we are made of the stars and born with unlimited possibilities! With all of your being live the life YOU want to live and honor your truth. The High Priestess - Here we are reminded to access our unconscious. The High Priestess is a keeper of esoteric knowledge and wisdom. There is wisdom and knowledge everywhere we look if we choose to see it. When we look within we can see and access those truths and reach a higher level of enlightenment. Go deeper, beyond the obvious and see the unlimited possibilities within. So today, we need to look within ourselves at the unlimited possibilities we hold inside. We are the stuff of stars and can access so much knowledge and information if we choose to find the quiet within and see what wisdom waits for us. Daily Mindfulness
The Veil - Ancient Celts believed that during the longest night of the year the veil between the world of the dead and the world of the living was thinnest and communication between these worlds would be more effective. While the worlds are close, listen to what messages may come for you! Six of Pentacles - A balance of give and take - it could be money or energy or what have you, this is about giving when you can and asking for help when you need it. Showing gratitude is important here as well. Use your talents to create and share with others, opening up that flow of energy and prosperity. Arachne -Arachne was a talented mortal weaver who challenged Athena, goddess of wisdom and crafts, to a weaving contest; this hubris resulted in her being transformed into a spider. When Athena saw that Arachne had not only insulted the gods but done so with a work far more beautiful than Athena's own, she was enraged and punished her by giving her a lot of legs and bald. Don't tick of the Goddesses is a good idea here. So today, remember to show gratitude for what we have and what we can share and show thanks to those who have gone on before us when they give us messages to help us on our path. With that gratitude comes humility as well. No need to brag or think yourself better than others - it will just end badly - I mean, you probably won't end up with extra legs and no hair, but you never know. Best to play it safe on this one. Daily Mindfulness
Scrying - this is a divination technique of seeing unconscious images in or on a surface, often from the divine. The best way to scry is to be relaxed and mindful of what you are about to do. Quiet your environment and settle your mind. Think of what you would like to see or know and once you are in a relaxed state, rest your gaze in a unfocussed way upon your scrying surface. Don't try to rationalize or over think, this is about receiving not thinking. True wisdom is a balance of logic and imagination. Nine of Cups - Cups focus on emotion and this card is about having enough for yourself and to share with others. There is a great bounty and much to be grateful for. What do you have in abundance that you can share with others. Make all the wishes come true today! Kraken - a legendary sea-creature who loves nothing more than to hug ships and toss them in the air with glee. I think he may be viewed as monstrous, but really, he just like shiny things and no one understands that. Kraken sees ship of all the things, Kraken hopes you will share. Usually, someone ends up killing Kraken. Kraken is sad. So today, look inwards to see what you have in abundance and be happy to share your shiny things with anyone who is in need. Your generosity might just save a Kraken and everyone ends up with shiny things! |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024