Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Circle We are all one - interconnected dancers in the continuous circle of Life. Like the Wheel in Tarot, life is always changing and evolving and always connected - Human, Nature, Spirit. Spirit resides within us and reminds us to co-create the world - everything we are matters to Spirit and we have purpose in this life. This is a reminder to continue your sacred work with love and compassion to all. Time to dance in the sacred Circle #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoracle #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #thecircle #weareallconnected
Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Upper World Last week the Ancient Ones called to us and this is where they reside. The Upper World is where we find out who we are becoming - our destiny and potentials all wait for us to come and step into our higher destinies. Our ancestors are here to guide us forward and now is that time to take the great leap and have trust that we will be taught to fly. #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #dailymindfulness #mysticalshamanoracle #upperworld #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #takethegreatleap #yourdestinyawaits #ancientones #higherdestiny Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Ancient Ones These are the Shamans of old who now live in infinity and are always available to help us whenever we need it. This is a time to really step into who we are becoming - with no fear. But we need to say YES. Yes to Spirits calling - if we do, a tremendous amount of power and blessings will come to us to help us craft our destinies. Call on the Ancient Ones, our ancestors, who will help us co-create our world. Step into that vast amount of wisdom and power to make this world a much better place. #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #dailymindfulness #mysticalshamanoraclecards #theancientones #ourancestors #cocreateourworld Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Council The luminous beings who are always there for us, holding the collective wisdom of everything. That wisdom is available to us whenever we need it all we have to do is learn to listen and trust our inner senses. When we worry or wonder what to do next all we really need to do is pay attention to what is going on around us - there are always signs pointing us the right way. This week is about NOT listening to that nagging voice that tells us we don't make a difference or that we cannot do this or that - WE CAN and the Council is there to remind us that we are never alone and we always have a place by that sacred fire of the Universe. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoracle #thecouncil #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #theweekahead #earthkeeper #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractitioner Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Crow This week is all about the truth and nothing but the truth. Speak it, live it, embody it. And be honest with yourself - look deeply inside and don't be swayed by anything that isn't in your highest interest. No illusions will do. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #thecrow #crowmagic #speaktruth #livetruth #embodytruth #behonestwithyourself #mysticalshamanoracledeck |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
August 2024