Mid-Week Mindfulness
Knight of Cups - He is on a spiritual type quest for adventure and love and delivering messages from the divine. Romantic and introspective with lots of imagination. Willing to open up to love and then to share what he feels with others. Express your feelings! Gynn - Just a warning - I am totally channeling The Genie from Aladdin, you have been warned. "Mister Aladdin, sir What will your pleasure be? Let me take your order Jot it down You ain't never had a friend like me" This Genie just wanted out of the lamp, a little freedom and to spread the love. Mission accomplished! #dailymindfulness #spirithalloweentarot #knightofcups #genieinthebottle
Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Hermit! Today is a day for inner knowledge - solitude. Checking in with yourself. What can you do to bring more solitude into your life right now? Inner thought will bring more wisdom. YETI! A legend, the abominable snowman is an ape-like entity that is said to inhabit the Himalayan area of Nepal and Bhutan. (Can also be spotted on the Matterhorn ride at Disneyland if you look for him on the bumpy curve!) Very little evidence has ever been captured as this Yeti loves his privacy. So, if people try to bug you today, give out a roar and hide in the nearest cave! #dailymindfulness #spirithalloweentarot #thehermit #yeti #findyourselfacave #innerknowledge Mid-Week Mindfulness
The Empress - the Love Goddess - all facets of love - she loves the sensual textures of life and has a great compassion for all things. She rules over nature with ease and comfort and nurtures passion, friendships and romance. She brings abundance effortlessly. Kali - a Hindu Goddess - destroyer of evil forces and worshipped by devotional movements and tantric sects variously as the Divine Mother and Divine Protector. Be open to the sensual facets of life. Show compassion and love to all things and revel in this thing called life. The challenge is to keep your heart open so that you can connect meaningfully to others, don't close yourself off, you never know what you might miss if you do #dailymindfulness #spirithalloweentarot #empress #kali #protector #divinemother #lovingmother #showcompassiontoallbeings #fierceprotector Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Two of Swords - have you been blocking yourself from making a decision? It isn't healthy to deny your feelings or refuse to look at the things troubling you. It is better to stay open to find the peace we need. Ghost - soul of a dead person, disembodied spirit. Don't become disembodied and let life make all the decisions for you - open your eyes, take off your sheet, a see what is sitting in front of you. Become an active participant in this thing called life ;) #dailymindfulness Mid-Week Mindfulness
Nine of Swords - Worry is a waste of time and energy. Don't let your thoughts control your path. Let go of unhelpful beliefs and don't let your thoughts run away with you. Allow things to unfold as they will - you are the master of your thoughts and you control where you are going. Conquer the negative thoughts and replace them with positive intentions and plans. Basilisk: A serpent who can cause death with a single glance. The weasel is the only animal that can face and even attack it. It can only be killed with the crowing of a rooster, so, until very recent times, travelers were carrying a rooster when they ventured into areas where it was said that the basilisks lived. Best to either keep your eyes closed til morning or carry a rooster and or weasel with you at all times that way you are covered for anything and you don't need to worry about it. #dailymindfulness #spirithalloweentarot #nineofswords #basilisk #dontletyourthoughtscontrolyou Mindfulness For the Week Ahead
A perfect card for some Full Moon Magic The Moon - One of my favorite cards! A time of looking at our dreams and intuition. The light of the moon casts strange shadows and things look very different under her glow. Don't fear these shadows. Let go of the fears - pay attention to your dreams and those intuitive thoughts! Werewolf - In folklore, a werewolf is a human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction. A shadow self if you will. Time to howl under the Moon and make some Magic #dailymindfulness #spirithalloweentarot #themoontarotcard #fullmoon #fullmoonmagic #werewolf #barkatthemoon #shadowside #trustyourintuition #payattentiontodreams Midweek Mindfulness
Let's check in and see how we're doing this week... Ace of Swords -This is the Universe saying YES today. Clear communication is key - use your mind to solve any problems that arise - try to use impartial clarity and rationality today. Quezalcoatl - an Aztec sky and creator god often referred to as The Feathered Serpent . He was also the patron god of the Aztec priesthood, of learning and knowledge. Quezalcóatl became the god of the morning and evening star, and his temple was the centre of ceremonial life in Tula. Also a Wind God of learning, writing and books. A great card and reminder to think things through, have a game plan and stay focused with clarity and rationality today! #dailymindfulness #spirithalloweentarot #aceofswords #quezalcoatl #clearthinking #haveagameplan #stayfocused #listyourgoals #rationalthinking Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
I decided to try a once or twice weekly posting for Mindfulness- see how it goes. And now that it is OCTOBER - it is Spirit Halloween Tarot time! Five of Pentacles Being able to sustain ourselves, or not sustain as the case may be. Is this true lacking? Or are we sort of wallowing in our misery and not really wanting to accept help - because help is there. We just need to see it and honor it. We can change our paths, get out of our ruts and move forward, but sometimes we need help doing it. Don't be too proud to accept this help. There will come a time when someone is going to need our help so knowing how that feels, will help us share what we have. Shaman -is someone who is regarded as having access to, and influence in, the world of spirits, who typically enters into a trance state during a ritual, and practices divination and healing. Can supply insight and medicine to those in need. Ten of Cups - Happiness and love. A time of great contentment and comfort. You have gone through a lot to get here so enjoy it and share the wealth! Leviathan - Later Jewish sources describe Leviathan as a dragon type thing who lives over the Sources of the Deep and who, along with the male Behemoth, will be served up to the righteous at the end of time. Um, sounds... tasty? So, together we have a feeling of lack - maybe what I call the "victimy" feeling of just not having help and everything feels like it is out to get you - but it's not. We have help - we may need to dig deep to see it - through mediation or journeying but it is there. Remember we deserve to feel that loving contentment and anything in the way of that should be properly fed to the Leviathan. #dailymindfulness #staymindful #weekahead #spirithalloweentarot #fiveofpentacles #tenofcups #shaman #leviathan #notavictim #youhave help #askforhelp #trymeditation #shamanicjourneying |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025