Daily Mindfulness - Beltane Edition Happy May Day!
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle At first glance you wouldn't think Tyrion and Innocence would be in the same sentence together but just wait! The Fool Tyrion is the perfect Fool. Look how far he has come both in miles and in spiritual growth. He is full of adventure and impetuousness and he does some pretty crazy things as well as believing things others think he is a Fool to believe (like thinking his sister would really help out in that battle with the dead.) But he is loyal to those he believes in and is willing follow the adventure wherever it takes him. The words "leap of faith," truly describe his journeys. Innocence/Daisy This card is a reminder that we are all humans living a human experience. We will all mess up and fail miserably but that is how we learn. Feeling guilty or judging ourselves/others, is rarely ever helpful and we end up spending more time feeling mad than learning and moving onward. So today is a time to let go of any feelings of guilt or anger at mistakes made - either by ourselves or others. Learn the lessons and let the baggage go while you move forward on your path. There are so many adventures waiting for us once we can find that innocence of the Fool and embrace the new opportunities!
Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Three of Cups This card is just bursting with happiness and abundance. Crowley calls this card of Demeter and Persephone the "fulfillment of the Will of Love in abounding joy. It is the spiritual basis of fertility." Abundance of pleasure and merriment - but it also says this is a passive success - this is something that cannot be made by us - it is simply given to us when the Universe says YES, this is where you need to be. When you are walking your path and doing the things you were put here to do, the Universe blesses us with this type of success and abundance. Once you feel this you will never forget it. Pure Magic! Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle King of Spears Ned - I wonder how he would feel about the things that have happened since his untimely death. I imagine he would be very proud of his kids, all of them badass. They all inherited his passion and honor - the need and want to do the right thing even if it isn't the easy thing. Happiness/Orange Blossom The challenge from this card is to let go of the negatives and try to change your perspective to view only the positives or to see things in a positive light. We can't dwell on the negative things or we risk falling deeper into them. Look for even the smallest bit of light and follow that. Life doesn't always let us control it, but we can always control how we react to it. So today follow your fiery and creative nature and allow yourself to see the positive things in life. We can all get so worn down at times and it's easy to just wallow in the muck. But change your perspective to find the happiness again. We have a choice! Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Ten of Disks The last card of the deck - or as Crowley says, "a hieroglyph of the cycle of regeneration." It represents Malkuth/Earth, the lowest sphere on the Tree of Life, the bottom with nowhere else to go... but up. And this card holds the magic that will allow it to do so. Each of the disks has an image sacred to Mercury, (Thoth/Hermes) except one - and that one Hod, has the Sun. Harris designed this card so that the Sun could give the spiritual integrity needed to regenerate the world. Crowley adds, "when wealth accumulates beyond a certain point it either ceases to be wealth or call in the aid of intelligence to use it rightly... Carnegie establishes a library or Rockefeller endows research, simply because there is nothing else to do." You've worked hard and now have the ability to enjoy your wealth but that energy needs to flow freely, if we try to hoard it, it will simply disappear. Once you are secure in your life, keep that energy flowing - the more we use it, the more we share it, the more there will be - this is the type of energy that wants to keep moving and regenerating. Don't let it stagnate. Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle I love that both of the cards are under a tree - both of them sacred too. Four of Cups Way back in the earlier season when Littlefinger was still alive and plotting his course to the Iron Throne, Sansa was sort of stuck, on her own, having to rely on Baelish. She was full of hesitation and that despondency that comes with not knowing where you stand and feeling alone. The key here is to find something to focus on to fight the apathy that can overrun your mind if you let it. Energy/Apple Tree This is all about letting in the good and protective energy and blocking the negative, life sucking energy. Keep you energy light and safe - set boundaries so you aren't letting any of the goodness drain out. Always be aware of what kind of people/energy are around you - don't waste time on anyone constantly bringing you down. So today it's time to focus on the energy around you. Make sure that it is positive and bringing you peace - that you are also keeping out the negative that can bring apathy and discontent. You get to choose what you surround yourself with, so choose wisely! Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Princess of Disks This Priestess of Demeter is ready to bring life back to the grove she stands in. The symbolism in this card is beautiful : Her wand, diamond tipped, is the essence of Kether - and the tetrahedral form is the basic structure of all carbon-based life. Animal fur cape and a crown of rams horns connect her to life. The disk she holds is a huge seed made of 36 sections (the small cards maybe?) with a yin/yang symbol in the middle. A lot of earthy colors were used to create this card and you can almost smell the Earth. Crowley says that the court cards are "suitable as being descriptive in a rough fashion, the divers(sic) types of men and women." So, what is this Princess describing? New life, growth, big changes, creation and fulfillment. We create our world and we should be aware of the strength and power that is available to us, to grow and renew our world. Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle Ten of Cups Awww, the bedroom of Ned and Catelyn - before everything went to hell in a handbasket. There was much joy and love here - they truly loved and cared for each other and it was rough watching all that being torn apart. But here in this moment - there was contentment and happiness in being together and that is what this card is portraying. Let these emotions fill you up! Integrity/Ivy This is a reminder to follow your own values and personal ethics. It is always best to be guided by what you believe to be the right thing to do, not what others think is right. And you can always tell what is the correct path to take because you can feel it in your heart. Follow that and you can't go wrong. So today should be filled with love and happiness and the contentment of doing the right things and following your heart. We can never know what will happen next, so by always trying to do the right thing NOW, we can at least be ready for anything when it happens. Letters From the Thoth Tarot
Nine of Wands Just looking at this card we can see it crackles with energy and strength. From the perspective of the Tree of Life, it backs that up. The central wand - sun at top moon at bottom - represents the path the links the Sun to the Moon. The Moon's position, Yesod, is the Foundation, the seat of the great crystallization of Energy. Crowley says, "The Nine represents always the fullest development of the Force in its relation with the Forces above it." This is a card of great strength and that strength lies in its ability to be adaptable to changes. Again as Crowley says, "defense, to be effective, must be mobile" We have what it takes to get it all done. Tremendous inner strength and will - everything we need we have, - all our experiences from the past have given us what we need for the present. Own that power and you can do anything. Daily Mindfulness
Game of Thrones Tarot/Enchanted Spell Oracle Three of Cups Tyrion, Grey Worm and Missandei are all laughing and learning about jokes here. It's a fun scene and perfect to illustrate this card - friendship, happiness, a time to just enjoy the life you have, right now at this moment. What I love here too, is that for the moment, these three people are still alive and waiting to see how the battle will go against the frozen dead and while they did not "party" the night before, they still spent some time enjoying the company of one another, because right NOW is all we are sure of. Patience/Willow Now is the time to pause and wait - to look at all the views and perspectives before charging forward. This might be tough if we are wired to do ALL THE THINGS right now, but by waiting we can see things we might otherwise miss. So today is a good day to remind yourself to Be Here Now. This moment, this time, is where we are and to celebrate that is a wonderful thing. Be patient, the future will get here - but don't get so ahead of yourself that you forget to enjoy the now. Letters From the Thoth Tarot
The Hierophant What I like about this Hierophant that I hated in the RWS version is that this one is not so stodgy or um, churchy? This teacher is updated for the new Aeon, that of Horus, not Osiris. This is a creative and bold teacher, one who initiates teaching and learning and look at the Scarlet Woman supporting him (not those weird acolytes in the RWS) "She represents Venus as she now is in this new aeon; no longer the mere vehicle of her male counterpart, but armed and militant" I like that this card adds a powerful female/sexual side to this card which was missing before. There are so many Thelemic symbols here that I don't even know where to start or end so I will leave it for now as I am still learning, but it is fascinating to see this card open up into more meanings then it had for me in the RWS deck. We are the small dancing child on the Hierophant's breast - we are joyous in our conversation with this wise teacher - The Hierophant is someone who has united all aspects of him/herself and in this enlightened state can teach us to do the same, by giving us the keys to this Kingdom - so we can explore and become whole. |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024