Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Witness I am a doer - I tend to feel guilty when I am just sitting around watching the world go by, although I am getting better at it ;) But this card is telling us to stop what we are doing and observe life without engaging anything. When we take the time to cultivate inner stillness we can see the bigger pictures from a higher perspective. Right now it is time to get out of our own way. Beautiful things can happen when we do. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #thewitness #getoutofourownway #higherperspective #letthingshappen
Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Giveaway This week is about connecting to gratitude. The Giveaway is the gift you offer to life without expecting anything in return. This is about being authentically happy to give to others and realizing the more you give the more you receive. This isn't about money or material things, although you can certainly give those things away. It is about giving what is truly yours to give - a smile, encouragement, a kind word. This also helps to heal feelings of scarcity because when you send energy out into the Universe it comes back to you many times over. Go with the flow of life and you will always have a full heart. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #thegiveaway #keepenergyflowing #themoreyougivethemoreyoureceive #bekind #passiton #trusttheuniverse Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Heart of the Sky This is our reminder that we are a channel for the original energy of creation. We create our world with this energy and we must provide a clear intention that will guide it to manifest. Be ethical and clear and allow the Universe to take care of the details. Do all things with Love #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #heartofthesky #heartofcreation #doallthingswithlove #clearintention Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Blade This is a time of clear thinking and decisive acting. Our body, mind and spirit are all sharp and finely tuned to summon the power of the heavens or anchor us to the Earth. Wield it wisely and you transmit power, cut energetic cords or sever relationships. Never use it in anger. Everything is aligned to support you right now so claim your power. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #theblade #bodymindspirit #clearthinking #bedecisive #claimyourpower |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024