Daily Mindfulness
This is where we find intellectual and emotional harmony within and without. The Sun/Moon - Conscious/Unconscious gives us the strength to see everything in balance so we can chart our way forward. Song: Eye of the Tiger - Survivor Nine of Wands "Here the Moon, the weakest of the planets, is in Sagittarius, the most elusive of the Signs; yet it dares call itself Strength." (BOT) And it can be called Strength because it sits in Yesod on the Tree of Life. Yesod is the sphere of the Moon and its also the Foundation - the seat of the great crystallization of Energy. Crowley tells us, "the Nine represents always the fullest development of the Force in its relation with the Forces above it." .. . This strength relies on its ability to change constantly. "Defense, to be effective, must be mobile." (BOT) .. . Tremendous and steady force that cannot be shaken. Victory, preceded by apprehension and fear. This is when we might have to dig deep and stay strong - trust in yourself and know you have what it takes to get things done. Be willing to adapt, improvise and overcome whatever heads your way and stay balanced and centered. Never doubt yourself. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #aliestercrowley #thelema #thegreatwork #nineofwands #adaptability #stayreadyforanything #neverdoubtyourself #balancedandcentered #digdeep #staystrong #youcandoallthethings #yougotthis
Daily Mindfulness
Changes are going to come and it's important to remember, it's not so much the external changes that we face, but how we deal with them internally that matters most. Song: Changes - Ziggy Marley Fortune This card thus represents the Universe in its aspect as continual change of state - Crowley. Fortune, is the wheel that keeps everything in perpetual motion. Riding it are Hermanubis, Typhon and the Sphinx (mercury, salt and sulfur) and they are going around and around constantly one-upping each other as they go up and then down. .. . As we are still below the Abyss on the Tree of Life, we will struggle with Fortune as we go around and around. The best place to do this is from the center. If we can stay balanced and not struggle against this wheel that constantly turns, we can find our own centers and not be crushed by change. Be open and prepared for anything and stay open to that energy flow - go with it and see what opportunities life brings you. .. . #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #treeoflife #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #fortunecard #continualchange #staycentered #staybalanced #findyourcenter #thedemiurge #followthyfortune #belowtheabyss #alchemicaltrump #thegreatwork #thelema Daily Mindfulness
Now is the time for some passionate and powerful transformation. Gather your will because this Queen has some fiery energy for you. Song: Independent Women - Destiny's Child Queen of Wands Water of Fire this Queen is adaptable, calm in her authority and has a fiery energy. She is generous and always willing to help, but she is also impatient when things get in her way. .. . She is a strong Queen who will put up with zero crap and will always speak her mind. With this kind of fiery, creative and passionate energy, you can get anything done! .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #thothtarotdeck #crowleythothtarot #ladyfriedaharris #learningthethothdeck #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #queenofwands #wateroffire #badassfemales #fieryenergy #creativeenergy #passionandpurpose #gettingthingsdone #youcandoallthethings #speakyourtruth #thegreatwork #thelema Daily Mindfulness
Blug - this just looks... murky - a full blown emotional storm center. But it is a storm of our own doing. By not setting boundaries we are over extending ourselves until we have nothing left. So, we need to really focus on setting those boundaries and then sticking to them! Feed your own soul first! Song: Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division Eight of Cups Crowley calls this card the very apex of unpleasantness.... "this card represents a party for which all preparations have been made; but the host has forgotten to invite the guests; or the caterers have not delivered the good cheer. There is this difference, though, that it is in some way or other the host's own fault." .. . This is where we overindulged in the excess of the seven and now we're just stuck in this mire. Now is the time to ramp up the energy and force ourselves out of this numbness. Transform this blocked energy with our Willpower. Negativity and apathy are going to want to keep you stagnating here but gather your power and let the energy of the Universe join you once more. .. . #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #dailymindfulness #crowleythothtarot #thothtarot #learningthethothdeck #tarotreadersofinstagram #teachingthetarot #walkthroughthethothtarot #eightofcups #apathyislethal #blockedenergy #negativethoughts #gettingstuck #gettingunstuck #staypositive #nothinglastsforever #accentuatethepositive #eliminatethenegative Daily Mindfulness
A perfect card right now - especially for all the crazy dreams I have been having the past few days - have you guys had really vivid dreams lately? This energy takes us inward - to the land of intuition and dreams. A trip to our higher consciousness. Song: Lucid Dream Binaural Beats The Priestess The Priestess represents the Moon in her higher aspects - that which joins the Human to the Divine. She sits on the Tree of Life middle pillar - the only one that spans the Abyss - linking Kether to Tiphareth - so joins the supernal triad to the rest of the Tree of Life. .. . Crowley states: In this card is the one link between the archetypal and formative worlds. She is clothed only in the luminous veil of light. It is important for high initiation to regard Light not as the perfect manifestation of the Eternal Spirit, but rather as the veil which hides that Spirit. She is light and body of light. She is the truth behind the Veil of Light. She is the soul of light. .. . She is the initiatrix - connected to the lunar goddess - the huntress and to the mysteries of the woman. She links the hidden and mysterious secrets of the beginnings of life. She is the bridge between our conscious and higher selves and works through our subconscious - in dreams and synchronicity. This is a time to go within and listen for these messages and trust your intuition. .. . #learningthethothdeck #crowleythothtarot #ladyfriedaharris #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #thepriestess #intuition #veiloflight #greatwork #consciousself #higherself #trustyourintuition #joinhumanwithdivine #subconsciousmind #gowithin #initiatrix #walkthroughthethothtarot Daily Mindfulness
It's the Happy Bouncy Fun Card! This card gives us a nice revitalizing boost, renewing us for whatever comes next. Song: Let's Go Crazy - Prince Six of Cups This card really does look like Pleasure. We have balance again and this card just looks pleasant doesn't it? Crowley says, "Pleasure - in the title card- must be understood in its highest sense; it implies well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain, ease, satisfaction." .. . We have gotten through some heavy emotional turmoil and now we are finding our balance again - with an open heart, keeping our expectations based in reality and staying in the moment. There is an endless river of love and energy for us if we open ourselves up to swim in it. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #tarotmagic #dailytarotcard #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #thegreatwork #sixofcups #openyourselftotheuniverse #endlessflowofenergy #keepyourheartopen #thestartofgreatthings #beginnings #newthingsarecoming #stayopentoopportunity #trustyourself Daily Mindfulness
Time to harness up the horse rocket - this Knight brings us some fabulous optimism and self-assurance. If you have things you need to get done - now is the time, just be sure you have a clear idea of what it is, otherwise your horse rocket will go all over the place. Song: Love Like a Rocket - Bob Geldof Knight of Wands Fire of Fire, this Knight and his horse are being almost blasted off the card from some massive force behind them! This is a fantastic fiery energy but! Imagine the Knight riding a horse rocket - if he can't control its direction he is going to crash and burn. .. . From BOT: The moral qualities appropriate to this figure are activity, generosity, fierceness, impetuosity, swiftness and unpredictable actions. .. . This Knight has the potential of being the strongest of the court cards but he needs to learn to grasp and hold on to this energy and use it wisely. Be sure to aim at your goals and know what you want before you fire up your horse rocket. Once you get going, this energy is going to take you to some awesome places! .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #learningthethothdeck #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #knightofwands #fireoffire #blastofenergy #useyourenergywisely #focusyourenergy #followyourgoals #knowwhatyouwant #dontcrashandburn #swiftmoving #holdontight Daily Mindfulness
Time to pull on the "grownup" pants and get some things done! This energy gives us the stability and creativity we need to get through whatever is in our path right now. Song: People Have the Power - Patti Smith The Emperor Third alchemical trump, Sulfur, The Emperor represents Aries - Mars rules and Sol is exulted. Crowley says that the sign is thus a combination of energy in its most material form with the idea of authority. .. . He is the masculine life force, dynamic, authoritative and full of strong leadership. He is less emotional than his Empress - this energy is perfect for standing strong when feeling vulnerable. Stand strong in your power and trust yourself. .. . #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #aliestercrowley #thelema #thegreatwork #alchemicaltrump #walkthroughthethothtarot #theemperor #alchemicalsulfur #redtincture #masculinelifeforce #standstronginyourpower #authority #trustyourself #fieryenergy Daily Mindfulness
Oh I loves my Hermit time. Contemplating and introspecting and looking at what is happening in my life - what is working, what isn't etc. Because once we are illuminated within - we can shine that much brighter! Song: So Quiet in Here - Van Morrison The Hermit Wander alone; being the Light and thy Staff! And be the Light so bright that no man seeth thee! (BOT) .. . We are working on what Crowley calls, The Mode of Fulfillment of The Great Work. There are three key players responsible for creating this mode: Earth, Mercury and the Sun. It is here in The Hermit that they all meet for the first time. He represents Virgo, the mutable sign of Earth and Virgo is ruled by Mercury. He carries the lamp of the Sun - that lights the world. .. . The Hebrew letter for the Hermit and Virgo, is Yod, which also represents the hidden seed/fertilization - and the Hermit is eyeballing that Orphic Egg! Crowley says, "In this trump is shewn the entire mystery of Life in its most secret workings." .. . Illumination from within. The Hermit walks alone as the lights the world. He guides us to the higher spiritual realms and teaches us to go within - to meditate, dream, ponder and study. He guides us to self knowledge and self mastery. .. . #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #tarotmagic #divinationtools #taroteverydamnday #teachingthetarot #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thegreatwork #thelema #thehermit #illuminationfromwithin #selfknowledge #selfmastery #alchemicaltrump #orphicegg #lampofthesun #gowithin #meditations #dreamwork #higherconscious Daily Mindfulness
This is when everything is just clicking perfectly and your contentment is totally satisfied deep within. Because of that, you are radiating that happiness outward and everything is just vibing well. Song: Walking on Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves Ten of Cups Crowley, in a letter to Lady Harris says, "the background out to look menacing. There is something sinister about this card - it ought to suggest a morbid hunger which springs from surfeit." In other words - perhaps too much goodness - so much so that the cups can't even hold them and it's just all spilling on the floor. Crowley blames Mars (which is in Pisces for this card) He says, "Mars is the gross, violent and disruptive force which inevitably attacks every supposed perfection." .. . So, the generic meaning is: Mattered settled: complete good fortune. Permanent and lasting success and happiness - because inspired from above. .. . Which is a good thing - this card tells us things are in their proper places and that we are finally in harmony with the Universe. I think Crowley's warning up there tells us not to take this for granted. Also to stay mindful of what is happening in the Now - stay in the moment and don't get ahead of yourself. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #arotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #ladyfriedaharris #learningthethothdeck #thothtarot #thothtarotdeck #bookofthoth #treeoflife #tenofcups #goodnessoverflowing #harmonyandbalance #donttakethingsforgranted #staymindful #stayinthenow #beherenow |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025