Daily Mindfulness
I got a lust for life - lust for life (new years day earworm, you're welcome) And what a way to start our New Year than with a little Lust... Lust Mitigate Energy with Love, but let Love devour all things. .. . This is such a powerful card. Lust (sometimes known as Strength,) is connected with the deities Demeter and Astarte (born by lions) Venus, Babylon and the Beast of Revelation. The Scarlet Woman is riding the Beast here while holding the Holy Grail - imagery that illustrates the ecstatic dissolution of all we are into the universal self of godhead. .. . The message of Lust is this: At some point we are going to come to a level of consciousness so high that the only thing left is the universal consciousness of deity. Our dissolution into that consciousness is what we are trying to attain. Deity Lusts for that moment when we all return to it and we should also Lust for that moment as well. So trust yourself - stand strong in your power and express yourself with vitality, lust and strength. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #tarotmagic #thegreatwork #thelema #alchemicaltrump #lusttarotcard #lustforlife #letlovedevourallthings #thescarletwoman #babylon #dissolutionintotheuniversalself #liveecstatically
Daily Mindfulness
When our minds/hearts and actions are all in sync, we can create some beautiful things. Three of Wands Sol in Aries, this card gives off the feeling of a brilliant heat - the solar energy of creation. The Sun in Spring when it wakes things up again. Crowley says, "The idea has become fertilized, the triangle has been formulated. In each case, the idea is of a certain stability which can never be upset, but from which a child can issue." (The child is the rest of the small cards 4 - 10) .. . The great power and the Will to use it (That we mastered in the 2 of Wands) is now fertilized. Established force, strength, realization of hope. Success after struggle. We learned to gather our Will and now it is time to be sure we are centered and balanced. Be aware of what it is we truly want and understand how to go about creating it. Be confident and believe in yourself. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #powerfultarotdeck #thegreatwork #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #threeofwands #seedsarefertilized #ideasgrow #solarenergyofcreation #creativeenergy #useourwill #realizationofideas #staybalanced #keepyourwitsaboutyou #followyourpath #createyourgoals Daily Mindfulness
This can be a weird card for some but it boils down to letting go of ego and surrendering our old views and patterns so we can move forward. Seeing things from a new perspective can help us see new solutions. The Hanged Man Crowley tells us that this Hanged Man symbolizes the descent of the light into the darkness in order to redeem it. A massive sacrifice that will create/sustain/destroy the Universe. Crowley also seems to feel that the Hanged Man as a whole doesn't really fit into the New Aeon tarot deck anymore. .. . How we feel about what we are sacrificing has changed over the Aeons - In Isis (element of Water) and Osiris (element of Air) people believed differently than how we do in Horus. Horus is also the Element of Fire and the watery Hanged Man doesn't really work well with Fire. Crowley warns us that, the whole idea of sacrifice is a misconception of nature." It is counterproductive. .. . But now, under a Fiery Lord of Aeon, the water element, so far as water is below the Abyss, is definitely hostile, unless the opposition is the right opposition implied in marriage. (BOT) .. . This marriage is the annihilation of the self in the Beloved - a devotional ecstasy that dissolves all sense of separateness. This Hanged Man still represents the descent of light into darkness but not to redeem it as such. Redemption here is the duty of the enlightened to bring that enlightenment to the unenlightened. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #thegreatwork #thelema #thehangedman #bringenlightenment #dissolveseparateness #newaeon #aeonofhorus #descentoflightintodarkness #enlightentheunenlightened Daily Mindfulness
Time to get our focus going so we can communicate our thoughts and ideas clearly and see things as they are, not just as we wish them to be. Six of Swords This card is really lovely. Balanced and full of the harmony that Tiphareth brings to it. Whatever crisis we had with the five is now over. We are back to full brain power and are ready for some deep thinking! .. . Success after anxiety and trouble - We worked through some heavy thinking and now we have added information and experience to help us when we need it. We can sort out what worked and what didn't and find greater clarity overall. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #learningtarot #sixofswords #greaterclarity #workingthroughconfusion #useexperience #learnfromthesituation #balanceandharmony #bookofthoth #treeoflife #whatworkedandwhatdidnt Daily Mindfulness
Princess of Wands Earth of Fire, she is the fuel for the fire, self-assured, energetic and independent. She is that crazy audacious friend who is up for anything. The one that says, "let's see what happens when I do this." .. . She can also be a drama queen who gets stuck in her own head and if she isn't careful, she will use her Earth fuel to not only start the fire but blow up the city as well. She is a liberator who helps us bust through any internal blocks and fears and loves a good adventure. .. . Use this energy to blow out any old fears or habits - grab your tiger by the tail and become the person you know you can be! .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #learningthethothdeck #teachingthetarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #readingtarotcards #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #princessofwands #earthoffire #grabatigerbythetail #letgoofthefear #beallyoucanbe #fuelforthefire #selfassured #beindependent #energetic #whathappensifidothis #whatdoyouwanttoexperience Daily Mindfulness
This is a time to stand strong and have the courage to stay with your values and no compromising! Do not settle for less - even if it feels scary, trust yourself. Seven of Wands Kind of looks just like the six with different colors except the seven has a pretty heavy looking wand blocking the six underneath it. From the Book of Thoth: The four Sevens are not capable of bringing any comfort; each one represents the degeneration of the element. Its utmost weakness is exposed in every case. .. . Possible victory, depending on the energy and courage exercised, valour, opposition, obstacles, yet the courage to meet them. There is going to be some frustration here but the key word is courage! Stand strong. This is something that only you can do on your own here. "individual valour." Don't let anyone undermine your Will. With courage and strength you can do anything. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #learningthethothdeck #teachingthetarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #bookofthoth #treeoflife #thegreatwork #thelema #crowleythothtarot #sevenofwands #degeneration #flailingaround #blockedenergy #obstacles #individualvalour #standstrong #willpower #becourageous #dontletanyonetellyouwhattodo #meetyourobstacles #yougotthis Daily Mindfulness
I had to laugh, getting this the day after holiday feasting - one too many Stroopwafles! Seven of Cups Remember the joy and happiness of the six? Yeah, we didn't stay balanced and now... uck. This is just too much here. This is also emotional wallowing or indulgence here - we get stuck in the loop of negative thinking and then we just stay there and that is very destructive. .. . Unbalanced and leaving us sinking in a mire of goop. We might be tempted to enjoy something that we think will make us feel better that may not be good for us - it is going to end badly. Time to release these false delusions and face reality. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #crowleythothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #thegreatwork #bookofthoth #treeoflife #sevenofcups #toomuchofagoodthing #tempted #falsepleasure #youneedtostaybalanced #balancedandcentered #thisisabadidea #stayincontrol #staypresent Daily Mindfulness
This Knight focuses our ability to manifest abundance! What do you wish to harvest in your life? Knight of Disks Fire of Earth, this Knight is solid and hardworking. I also love his horse, who seems to be more interested in eating than anything else. But, that is actually a perfect symbol for this card, as the Knight's function is, "entirely confined to the production of food." (BOT) The Earth in this card suppresses the Knights natural fire -keeping him well grounded in the material world. .. . This is the hardworking, nose to the grindstone Knight and he isn't much concerned with matters intellectual. He is practical and reliable and knows that the effort you put in to something comes with a great reward. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #bookofthoth #treeoflife #fireofearth #knightofdisks #hardworking #dependable #hardworkpaysoffs #greatrewards #staygrounded #whatyouputiniswhatyougetout Daily Mindfulness
Time to embrace our inner Fool - radiant and courageous - ready to start something new - with nothing to fear! The Fool He holds every trump card within - they all issue from this 0 card. He creates everything from nothing. .. . He is our start, the initiator, ready to start the Great Work. This can be a scary time but also an exhilarating one. This Fool has the energy and the confidence to boost us onward and upward. There is a very important process starting now and we must start this path with open heart and open mind. .. . #dailymindfulness #lettersfromthoth #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #thegreatwork #walkthroughthethothtarot #thefool #thestartofgreatthings #jumpingintotheunknown #readyforthenextcycle #beconfident #trustyourself #stayopentogoodthings #whatwillyoudonext Daily Mindfulness
Time for some alchemical magic - with a little integration, synthesis and balance we can create a lot of amazing things. Art Known as Temperance in RWS decks, this card is the consummation of the Royal Marriage that happened back in The Lovers. Art is the coagula to the Lovers solve. The White Tincture of the Empress unites with The Red Tincture of the Emperor. So, now we have from The Magus, The Empress and The Emperor - mercury, salt and sulfur. Combined and balanced creates the Universal solvent, Vitriol. . . So, what does Vitriol dissolve? Old life - to create new. Behind the figures on the card is the Orphic Egg. Everything we see on this card is actually happening inside the Egg -everything is combining together - all the alchemical trumps before this are merging into one being and creating a new one. .. . Now is the time for combining, dissolving, creating something new. Everything that we were, that we are, that we have learned gets combined within us and makes something more. This is where we decide what it is we want and don't want and shape the life we want. This is our Great Work. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #thegreatwork #arttarotcard #creatingsomethingnew #universalsolvent #alchemicalvitriol #solveetcoagula #combiningtogether #alchemicaltrump #orphicegg #newlifefromdeath #decidewhatyouwant #createyourlife #whatwouldyouliketocreate |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024