Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Lovers This is a week of passion and desire - Love. Not necessarily romantic love, but of what you love to do or see or be or create. This is about digging deep to find what really makes you passionate - are you hiding or ignoring something that you really want to be doing to instead to something that just gets you by? This is about being fully honest with yourself and making that great leap into your heart, trusting that the Universe will be there and support you as you move forward with Love. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #thelovers
Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Ten of Wands I guess this week comes with a warning of sorts - don't take too much on yourself and if you have to, think about how you want to carry it. There is a lot of fiery energy and it needs to be carefully controlled - you can't suppress it, but you can't let it run amok either. Stay focused so you can stay balanced. #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #dailymindfulness #tenofwands Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Page of Cups I love the Pages - they speak to just starting out at something - when it's still bright and new and shiny and we have that creative enthusiasm driving us forward. It is a vibrant and emotional time right now because something is giving us a lot of joy in the making ... But! Pages are also in the learning phase - which means the emotions can take over and leave us mired in daydreams to moodiness, so stay balanced! #dailymindfulness #mindfulnessfortheweekahead #pageofcups #tarotcardoftheweek #weeklytarotcard #riderwaitesmith Daily Mindfulness For The Week Ahead
Knight of Swords Fire and Air - this Knight is very sharp mentally, clever and excellent at intellectual mind games. This is a time of great learning and having that sharp mind that sizing everything up and slots it where it needs to go. The balance is keeping the clarity without getting too analytically cold - keep your humanity! #dailymindfulness #mindfulnessfortheweekahead #knightofswords #mentallysharp #timeofgreatlearning |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025