Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Rattle The Rattle is the Spirit-Caller that carries our prayers to the four directions. With the Rattle's help it will guide us to pray for all of the Earth - not just our own needs - when we prayer for the highest good for all then everything we need is provided to us. The Rattle is a tool of Spirit and must be used carefully and mindfully for the well being of all. #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #dailymindfulness #oraclecardoftheday #earthkeeper #moderndayshaman #shamanicpath #mysticalshamanoraclecard #therattle #prayforthehighestgood
Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Many Paths All paths lead to Spirit - it is what we bring on our journey that determines if the path we are walking is full of wisdom, suffering - love or loss. We need to pick the path with heart, even if it means harder work, to step off the beaten path is to walk with the Universe . Time to trust ourselves and the Universe - trust intuition and move to the Path you are meant to be walking. Step out of the comfort zone and know you are being held with love. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #manypaths #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #oraclecardoftheday #trusttheuniverse Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Crow I love it when Crow Magic flies into our lives. This week Crow helps us to speak our truth and to practice what we speak. Correct what is untrue in your life with no judgement, and bring truth to every situation you are in. Be true to your word! #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #dailymindfulness #mysticalshamanoraclecards #thecrow #crowmagic #betruewithyourword #speaktruth #letthetruthsetyoufree #walkintruth #earthkeepers #shamanicpractitioner Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Andean Cross Now is the time to say YES to the great journey you have been thinking about. What may have seemed out of reach is now right here for you to take hold of and move forward. Don't stop to over think things or to try and make total sense of it all - just trust - both yourself and the Universe, that this is the right way to go and GO! #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #theandeancross #nowisthetime #oraclecardoftheday #dailyoraclecard #earthkeepers #shamanicpractice |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
August 2024