Daily Mindfulness
We start off November with patience and consideration. . Eight of Disks Crowley says, "this card signifies intelligence lovingly applied to material matters, especially those of the agriculturist, arificer and engineer." .. . This card, Prudence, is about waiting and having patience. We plant and wait. Wait and see what comes of the work we have done. Time and consideration is good here. We have learned not to rush headfirst into something now. Like an apprentice trying to learn his craft, we take things slowly and one step at a time. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #bookofthoth #treeoflife #thegreatwork #eightofdisks #havingpatience #taketimetoconsider #learnyourcraft #waitandsee #dotheworkgettheresults #dontrush #takeyourtime
Daily Mindfulness
A great card for All Hallows Eve. What will you be doing with your Magician self tonight? The Magician - This card reminds us that we have all we need to create and manifest all we want. Thoughts create reality and you are a creator. When we concentrate with intention - we can make anything we want - and that - is magic. Warlock - used to be a person, male, who practiced evil magic. But now it tends to mean a male witch. So today, remember you have everything you need to create anything you want. Once you take the time and energy to start a project and get it going, you can then watch the magic happen. Just keep an eye on it because you don't want things to get out of hand! . #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
King of Wands - Fiery wands and the focus of the Kings...A great leader with strength and nobility. Confident and controlled with their emotions and has mastered his passions. Willing to take chances and leads the way if no one else steps in. How can I guide myself to channel my passions and have the most productive emotions? Anubis: God of embalming and watching over the dead. He ushered souls into the afterlife and attended the weighing of the heart - to see what happened to the soul. Protector of graves and cemeteries. Make sure your heart is light. Control yourself and be a strong and focused person - so your soul is lighter than the feather. So for today, lean more toward your passionate and creative side. Stay focused and channel your passions in a productive way. . #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Skull of Flowers We all start as a seed - potential just waiting to bloom. Much like the Death card in Tarot, this card reminds us that there are many ways to nourish a seed - water, fire or other adversities, can create the most magical life. Some things are birthed easily and others, not so much, but we learn as we grow. Use that energy to flourish! . #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Eight of Swords - You are allowing your thoughts to hold you prisoner and you probably can't see the whole picture right now. Don't let your thoughts run away with you - deal with the things you can and let the rest go. You can't control everything so don't let it stress you out. You are the master of your thoughts! Pegasus - is a mythical winged stallion - one of his many jobs was to carry Zeus's lightning bolts. Because of his years of faithful service to Zeus, Pegasus was later honored with transformation into a constellation! . SO maybe today, let those annoying thoughts fly away for awhile - deal with what you can deal with and don't try to grab what you can't. . #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Skull of Stars We are as infinite as the stars in the sky. We have the potential to expand to the highest of highs. Possibilities are endless. We can so easily get stuck in the small day to day busyness and feel lost and alone. But we are only limited by our imagination - dream it and live it. Think big and live the life you want - honor your truth! . #dailymindfulness ![]() Daily Mindfulness
Six of Pentacles - A balance of give and take - it could be money or energy or what have you, this is about giving when you can and asking for help when you need it. Showing gratitude is important here as well. Use your talents to create and share with others, opening up that flow of energy and prosperity. Arachne -Arachne was a talented mortal weaver who challenged Athena, goddess of wisdom and crafts, to a weaving contest; this hubris resulted in her being transformed into a spider. When Athena saw that Arachne had not only insulted the gods but done so with a work far more beautiful than Athena's own, she was enraged and punished her by giving her a lot of legs and bald. Don't tick of the Goddesses is a good idea here. So today, remember to show gratitude for what we have and what we can share. With that gratitude comes humility as well. No need to brag or think yourself better than others - it will just end badly - I mean, you probably won't end up with extra legs and no hair, but you never know. Best to play it safe on this one. . #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Queen of Pentacles - The lady of abundance and sharing. She is generous and loves to share her bounty with others. She can manifest what she needs and is unselfish in nature. She values her gifts and shares them with others with love. Dryad - are nymphs or tree spirits. They exist to watch over the tree they are born with and in rare cases, groves and other creatures. They are not something to be taken lightly but are deserving of the respect granted to any divine being. They bring a sense of life and natural being to the places their trees inhabit and are mysterious and unique. One of my favorite stories is about Eurydice- an oak Dryad who fell in love with Orpheus. One day a snake bit her and she died. Orpheus was heartbroken and convinced Hades to let her go. Hades agreed but said if Orpheus looked back even once to see if she was following, she would never be released from the Underworld. Just as Orpheus was stepping out of the Underworld he felt a moment of doubt and looked back. Eurydice was not quite at the threshold and was swept back in. *cry* So today trust love. It will be there even if you think it's not. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Death So many cycles in our lifetimes - many big and many small and each one needs to be lived, learned and then let go of - taking the lessons with us while leaving the baggage behind. No death is easy, letting go of something can be sad and traumatizing but it is also a change to make room for new growth and that is the key - having that room to grow. What needs letting go of? This card reminds you to be prepared for the next big adventure! #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Justice - today focus on responsibilities, balancing all the factors. What you put into something is what you get out of it. Remember, positive effort will give you positive results! Valkyrie: In Norse mythology, a valkyrie "chooser of the slain," is one of a host of female figures who decide who will die in battle. After, the valkyries bring their chosen to Valhalla where they prepare for the events of Ragnarok. Valkyries are sometimes accompanied by ravens or swans. So choose well. The choices might not be as vital as who accompanies you at the end of the world, but you never know. . #dailymindfulness |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024