Daily Mindfulness
Seven of Disks Eh, this is not a very appealing card to see but it has its lessons - mostly about being patient and waiting for this to be over. We enter Netzach and lose our balance we worked hard to gain (again) Crowley says, "There is no effort here; not even dream; the stake has been thrown down, and it is lost. That is all labour itself is abandoned; everything is sunk in sloth." Our growth has been cut off and has left us with an inner emptiness and a whole lot of waiting to see what happens next. .. . The Crows tell us that we need to gather our resources and bide our time. Not to rush ahead unprepared but to study and make ourselves familiar with what we are working with. It might seem slow going but by being cautious right now, we can save ourselves a lot of trouble later. .. . Nothing worked out the way we wanted it too and our hoped got squashed. But here's the thing. Were our hopes realistic? Did we want to achieve more than what we should have been aiming at? Failure and disappointment happen. When they do, we need to look at what happened, learned from it and let it go. Don't dwell on it! .. . #dailymindfulness #murderofcrowstarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #bookofthoth #treeoflife #thegreatwork #sevenofdisks #bepatient #apathyislethal #stayrealistic #hopesdashed #disappointmenthappens #learnfromthesituation #dontdwellonmistakes #letgoandmoveon
Daily Mindfulness
Ten of Cups This Ten is symbolic of the fulfillment and emotional development that we started way back with the Ace. We are filled with optimism and self-confidence as we searched for the path to inner completion. But as with all the Tens, this search can go no further, at least not here on Earth. While we feel this completeness we must also be ready to approach new tasks as they come, starting from the bottom up. In the Thoth, this is about self-completion and fulfillment whereas in most RWS decks, such as my Murder of Crows, this is about connection with others - family and friends - and finding completion with them. It may not always be easy but a greater force binds you together, giving you peace and that comfortable feeling of familiarity that gives you the confidence to soar. So, the generic meaning is: Mattered settled: complete good fortune. Permanent and lasting success and happiness - and a pause before starting something new. Which is a good thing - this card tells us things are in their proper places and that we are finally in harmony with the Universe. .. . #dailymindfulness #murderofcrowstarot #arotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #ladyfriedaharris #learningthethothdeck #thothtarot #thothtarotdeck #bookofthoth #treeoflife #tenofcups #goodnessoverflowing #harmonyandbalance #donttakethingsforgranted #staymindful #stayinthenow #beherenow I have been on a long break from buying any new tarot decks. Mostly it is about space and the lack thereof, but also, it is because I am becoming more fussy? I love collecting decks but for the moment, I only want decks that speak to me in some way. Murder of Crows by Corrado Roi. I had seen this deck a few times on the web and it never really called to me before last week. Perhaps because I wasn't ready for it. But with the psychopomp dreams of crows coming to me to whisper in my ear that my calling was here, the deck just about screamed BUY ME. So, I did. And it did NOT disappoint. I have never had a single tarot deck that there wasn't at least one or two cards, I didn't really "get." I didn't like something about them but overall the deck was fine. Even my beloved Thoth has a card or two I don't much agree with but this deck was a surprise. I love each and every card and each one spoke to me and told me its story. I have actually had this deck for a bit now, but felt it was so personal, that I couldn't share it yet. Here is my deck interview: I admit I was like, "wait, what?!?!?!?!" While I have never gone for the fluffy, lighter decks, I have never actually admitted my shadow side likes the dark. And this deck promises to bring some interesting adventures my way. How could it not, when Lord Malphas shows up in the center seat as a description of the deck itself? Then, I did a Full Moon reading with it and well - it was so spot on I got the chills. To sum up, in a place of balance I can see clearly - I can be vulnerable and let my spirit fly, anchored safely, to new places of initiation. I will release doubt and fear and rise up, letting go of things that no longer serve me - especially my own doubt. My guides are always with me and I can go where others cannot.
That speaks to my goals as a psychopomp as well as just working with Me and My Shadow. I wasn't sure I wanted to bring these workings to the public, but felt that I needed to. So, I will most likely be using them in tandem with my Thoth for Daily Mindfulness. At the moment and readings with them are just for me - still to personal to use for other people - they are powerful and gorgeous. Daily Mindfulness
As Dumbledore would say, "Time is making fools of us again." Fortune/Wheel of Fortune This card thus represents the Universe in its aspect as continual change of state - Crowley. Fortune, is the wheel that keeps everything in perpetual motion. Things go up and down and around and the only constant is change. Time, the apex predator, has no interest in comforting us or making things easier. It just keeps moving and we move along with it. Time spirals and loops and each time something comes around again, we have a chance to choose something new to try. We have NO choice in many things that come to us, but we DO have the choice on how we deal with them. .. . As we are still below the Abyss, on the Tree of Life, we will struggle with Fortune as we go around and around. The best place to do this is from the center. If we can stay balanced and not struggle against this wheel that constantly turns, we can find our own centers and not be crushed by change. Be open and prepared for anything and stay open to that energy flow - go with it and see what opportunities life brings you. .. . #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #treeoflife #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #fortunecard #continualchange #staycentered #staybalanced #findyourcenter #thedemiurge #followthyfortune #belowtheabyss #alchemicaltrump #thegreatwork #thelema #stayopentoopportunity #learntolovenewthings #lettheenergyflowthroughyou #lifeisawheel Daily Mindfulness
The aces represent the roots of the four elements. They are distinct from the other small cards and there is no real manifestation of the element in its material form. They form a link between the small cards and the Princess. The Aces are not the elements themselves but the seeds of those elements. .. . Ace of Wands This card represents the essence of the element of Fire in its inception. A solar-phallic outburst of flame from which spring lightnings in every direction. (BOT) Lady Harris also drew this Ace as a giant fiery Tree of Life. It also looks a tad on the phallic side which shows it's creative potential and that is how all endeavors start (sorry, have to, I totally have too, ) with a bang ;) .. . This explosive and fiery energy starts the wands suit going, the seeds of desire - our Will getting ready to roll. This is a potent energy but it isn't formed yet, so be sure to create a plan of action, goals, something to aim this energy at. Then hold on tight! .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #tarotmagic #divinationtools #taroteverydamnday #crowleythothtarot #aceofwands #seedsofideas #seedsofcreativity #fieryenergy #focusyourwill #createyourgoals #actionplan #whatwouldyouliketocreate Daily Mindfulness
It is the bad-ass Queen with the Bendy arm and excellent sword skills. This Queen does not hesitate in her pursuits and can accomplish difficult tasks. Learning from the difficult times, she integrates those lessons and that has sharpened her Will. Queen of Swords Water of Air - This Queen is a badass - her water gives the air sustaining rain - or a drowning cloudburst. She also has a severed head in her hand, which is actually a good thing here. Swords = Yetzirah, the formative world. This matches the Ruach or intellect which is in our head. The Sword of reason, the Queen has lopped the higher faculties of intellect from our lower animal natures. She has Liberated Our Mind. .. . Water also gives the swords an emotional balance, sensitive and intelligent. This Queen is perceptive and observant of what is going on around her and brings us independence and confidence. This is the time to learn about everything around you with clear open eyes. The more you know, the more freedom you have. .. . #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #powerfultarotdeck #thegreatwork #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotstudies #teachingthetarot #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #queenofswords #waterofair #perceptive #observant #liberatorofthemind #ruach #higherconsciousness #beconfident #standstrong #staybalanced #clarityofthoughts #learnallyoucan Daily Mindfulness
This is the time for us to open up and get excited about the opportunities we have in front of us. We have been preparing and waiting for the time to get going and finally, it is here! Princess of Disks Earth of Earth - "she is strong and beautiful, with an expression of intense brooding, as if about to become aware of a secret wonder." Creation, growth, generous, kind and courageous. This card brings new growth, new starts and keeps us grounded in the earth. Be excited! We create our universe! .. . #dailymindfulness #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #bookofthoth #treeoflife #thothtarot #learningthethothdeck #princessofdisks #earthofearth #perpetuatinglife #creatingourworld #wecreateourworld #newgrowth #becourageous #powerfulfemaleenergy Daily Mindfulness
Prince of Wands Air of Fire, this is the energy you need when you have a lot of challenges to tackle or when you are feeling doubts about your abilities to deal with things. This is a fiery impulsive energy that can give us the optimism we need to move forward but it also has an impulsivity to it - if we get too impatient (I WANT IT NOW - Veruca Salt) we are more apt to have a tantrum or two if we don't stay balance. Stand strong and stay confident! .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #powerfultarotdeck #thegreatwork #princeofwands #airoffire #fightagainsttheodds #strongcharacter #tacklechallenges #standstrong #stayconfident #fieryenergy #dontdoubtyourself #yougotthis Daily Mindfulness
The Devil Happy, smiling Goat Devil at your service! Masculine energy at its most masculine. I mean, just LOOK at the card LOL And the symbolism on the card shows just that. This Devil that people have been brought up to fear is life itself - happy, creative, unrestrained life. That wants to grow and unite with everything. .. . This card then is the complete appreciation of all existing things. He represents the finding of ecstasy in every phenomenon and transcends all limitations. This is a strong instinctive energy and and with it we face our Shadow. .. . Blind impulses, ambition, temptation - are a few of the ways this card can be defined - but if we accept our "good" impulses as well as the "bad" ones, we can remained honest and balanced. We are free to choose! Embrace, don't hide your shadow side - by hiding it, it becomes something bigger or darker than it should be. The Great Work is to reconcile ourselves into wholeness - and we do that by facing all our disparate parts and uniting them together. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #thegreatwork #thelema #thedeviltarotcard #reconcilingallourparts #becomingwhole #creativeenergy #creationoflife #appreciateeverything #findingtheperfectbalance #lovewhoyouare #transcendalllimitations #embraceyourself #teachingthetarot #learningthethothdeck Daily Mindfulness
Time to get our focus going so we can communicate our thoughts and ideas clearly and see things as they are, not just as we wish them to be. Also, we can get our point across to others in a non-threatening way allowing people to see new points of view. Six of Swords This card is really lovely. Balanced and full of the harmony that Tiphareth brings to it. Whatever crisis we had with the five is now over. We are back to full brain power and are ready for some deep thinking! This energy lets us see the bigger picture - a very comprehensive perspective. .. . Success after anxiety and trouble - We worked through some heavy thinking and now we have added information and experience to help us when we need it. We can sort out what worked and what didn't and find greater clarity overall. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #dailytarotcard #tarotreader #teachingthetarot #tarotreadersofinstagram #crowleythothtarot #tarotstudies #learningtarot #sixofswords #greaterclarity #workingthroughconfusion #useexperience #learnfromthesituation #balanceandharmony #bookofthoth #treeoflife #whatworkedandwhatdidnt #focusyourintentions #communicateclearly #seethingsclearly |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024