Daily Mindfulness
Eight of Swords Crowley says, "the Will is constantly thwarted by accidental interference." Too much force applied to small things; too much attention to detail at the expense of the principal and more important points. We are nitpicking and over analysing everything here, looking for reasons to be contrary. Overall, our minds are restless. When this happens we just need to stop and take a look at what is happening, instead of rushing about with no direction. Banging your head on the wall isn't going to help here. This is temporary and we just need to let this go and focus our energies on the things we can deal with right now
Daily Mindfulness
The Hermit Wander alone; being the Light and thy Staff! And be the Light so bright that no man seeth thee! (BOT) We are working on what Crowley calls, The Mode of Fulfillment of The Great Work. There are three key players responsible for creating this mode: Earth, Mercury and the Sun. It is here in The Hermit that they all meet for the first time. He represents Virgo, the mutable sign of Earth and Virgo is ruled by Mercury. He carries the lamp of the Sun - that lights the world. Illumination from within. The Hermit walks alone as the lights the world. He guides us to the higher spiritual realms and teaches us to go within - to meditate, dream, ponder and study. He guides us to self knowledge and self mastery. I was wondering if this card would show up while we are all sitting in stillness, waiting for the covid-19 virus to make its way through our communities. We may not like having to sit still and wait, but since we have no choice, we should make the most of it! Daily Mindfulness
Lust Mitigate Energy with Love, but let Love devour all things. This is such a powerful card. Lust (sometimes known as Strength,) is connected with the deities Demeter and Astarte (born by lions) Venus, Babylon and the Beast of Revelation. The Scarlet Woman is riding the Beast here while holding the Holy Grail - imagery that illustrates the ecstatic dissolution of all we are into the universal self of godhead. The message of Lust is this: At some point we are going to come to a level of consciousness so high that the only thing left is the universal consciousness of deity. Our dissolution into that consciousness is what we are trying to attain. Deity Lusts for that moment when we all return to it and we should also Lust for that moment as well. In the immortal words of Iggy Pop: I got a lust for life Lust for life Live life to the fullest - no matter what situation you find yourself in! Daily Mindfulness
Knight of Disks Fire of Earth, this Knight is solid and hardworking. I also love his horse, who seems to be more interested in eating than anything else. But, that is actually a perfect symbol for this card, as the Knight's function is, "entirely confined to the production of food." (BOT) The Earth in this card suppresses the Knights natural fire -keeping him well grounded in the material world. This is the hardworking, nose to the grindstone Knight and he isn't much concerned with matters intellectual. He is practical and reliable and knows that the effort you put in to something comes with a great reward. With the Covid-19 thing and everyone staying home, it can be difficult to stay the course and keep on keeping on. But try! One step at a time keeps us all open and the energy moving! Daily Mindfulness
Eight of Cups Crowley calls this card the very apex of unpleasantness.... "this card represents a party for which all preparations have been made; bt the host has forgotten to invite the guests; or the caterers have not delivered the good cheer. There is this difference, though, that it is in some way or other the host's own fault." This is where we overindulged in the excess of the seven and now we're just stuck in this mire. Now is the time to ramp up the energy and force ourselves out of this numbness. Transform this blocked energy with our Willpower. Negativity and apathy are going to want to keep you stagnating here but gather your power and let the energy of the Universe join you once more. Not exactly the cheery "happy birthday" card I wanted to get LOL but, with the circumstances of Self-Isolating and Covid-19, it is important not to fall into apathy and negative thinking. Which, of course, I was doing - so, reminder, stay positive, this will not last forever and the Universe has energy for us! Daily Mindfulness
The Fool He holds every trump card within - they all issue forth this 0 card. He creates everything from nothing - The Fool is the nothing we refer to when we say Nothing Created God, Nothing is beyond God. Nothing is Greater than God. He is our start, the initiator, ready to start the Great Work. This can be a scary time but also an exhilarating one. This Fool has the energy and the confidence to boost us onward and upward. There is a very important process starting now and we must start this path with open heart and open mind. Daily Mindfulness
The Lovers Things are starting to heat up alchemically here with the fourth alchemical trump card. This card represents the first part of solve et coagula - the solve or solution. (Coagula is found in the Art card) This is the story of a marriage and a pregnancy and the child of that union, represented by the Orphic Egg that shows up in the cards. Crowley says, "it represents the essence of all life that comes under the formula of male and female." The Lovers represent the harmony and balance of opposites. Wholeness - as we were once upon a time before life got in the way with its views and prejudices. This is a time to learn to love without any bounds, no fears and no doubts. This also includes loving the self and accepting who you are and being 100% find with it. Daily Mindfulness
I needed this card today! Feeling so run down and trying to stay on top of everything. She gots the grounding energy I need to keep on going! Princess of Wands Earth of Fire, she is the fuel for the fire, self-assured, energetic and independant. She is that crazy audacious friend who is up for anything. The one that says, "let's see what happens when I do this." .. But! - if she isn't careful, she will use her Earth fuel to not only start the fire but blow up the city as well. .. Use this energy to blow out any old fears or habits - grab your tiger by the tail and become the person you know you can be! Daily Mindfulness
Ace of Swords The Ace of Swords is the primordial Energy of Air, the Essence of the Vau of the Tetragrammaton, the integration of the Ruach (BOT) The Ruach, again, is the intellect part of our mind and the mind wants to be in control and resists identifying with any higher levels of consciousness. So, we get all the anxiety and worry and sadness and conflict. The Swords tend to look really nasty - stabby cards, but! Used correctly, that stabby blade and cut through all of those conflicts. Upon the blade is written Thelema - Greek for Will. And that is what the swords take to use. This Ace is the seed of our intellectual power - the beginnings of ideas, or just a reminder that we need to use our intellects here and while it is always good to stay balanced with our emotions, right now we need to use rational thought more. Invoke this Ace to help you see clearly! Rational thought - a very much needed attribute right now when things are so up in the air and confusing is rampant. Stay balanced with your emotions and cut through the confusions! Daily Mindfulness
Knight of Cups Fire of Water Swiftness and violence ill suit a character naturally placid; it is rare indeed to meet a person who has succeeded in harmonizing these conflicting elements (BOT) This Knight and his horse jump off the page in the opposite direction of his brother (Knight of Wands) Fire of Water we have a nice cleansing rain or bubbling spring - as well as slow erosion and dissolving. The water of this Knight sort of blankets his fiery energy, so Crowley calls him "shallow water." This is a time to balance your opposites - otherwise you can get a tad unstable. Balance is much needed now - stay the middle course! |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025