Daily Mindfulness
Strength and Judgement I took a Journey yesterday to meet a Power Animal I needed right now. A Lion greeted me and surprised me again - this happened once before. I asked what gift it brought to me and it roared, COURAGE. I asked what I needed to let go of and it whispered, "FEAR." Strength from within and trusting yourself - knowing you have the power to do anything. A wake-up call to your destiny - a powerful transformation is about to occur. Don't miss it. #dailymindfulness
Daily Mindfulness
Queen of Cups and Page of Pentacles Looks like we have a little Court Party happening and a fun one too. The Page shows us how to be meticulous at all we do and to pay attention to the details. This is a dedicated worker who has taken time to hone their craft by being cautious but also curious and patient. The Queen gives us unconditional love and support - in this reading she is given the Page all the space they need to learn and grow. I think that is something we do best when we have that kind of loving support. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Five of Cups So, same question as yesterday was put out today and um, yeah. This card pretty much describes me thinking about this situation and if I am reading it correctly, it is telling me to voice my concerns. Because... anxiety much? LOL Overall, this card tells us that if we hold things to tightly inside us they take root and grow - deep. Once that happens it is so hard to rid ourselves of this. Instead, we need to feel it, live it, bring it out into the light of day and experience whatever it is that is taking over and then let it go - either with a whisper or a scream, it cannot dwell anymore. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Seven of Pentacles I am not sure how I feel about this card right now because I asked a very specific question that needed a better answer than, "hold on, be patient, wait and see." Usually, I am all about understanding the need to wait, but sometimes you need a better answer. I guess the Universe isn't sure - so it needs more time. So, now is a time to be cautious, bide a wee where I am and wait. To quote a brilliant mind, "I hate wait." #dailymindfulness #inigomontoya Daily Mindfulness
Ace of Cups and the Magician I love that in this deck the Cups are in the Realm of Dreams. Who better to help you manifest that seed of a dream than the Magician? You are this precious seed and you are cracking open, ready to fly and create your heart's desire. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
The Page and the Tree almost mirror each other. Page of Wands I love the synchronicity of the card and the sign on screen of my computer. "Few roads are paved here..." is what is says above the Wand Page and this Page is perfect for unmapped terrain. When you start a new journey it can be scary because we don't know what will happen - we can plan for the best but life likes to toss in surprises. True courage comes when we walk forward in spite of that fear. When you hear the call of your heart - the answer must be YES. Nothing else will work right until you heed that call. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
World After a long journey we have finally achieved our goal. This culmination of hard work and perseverance has left us changed - we have evolved and transformed into something more and we are ready to fly. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
Ten of Cups This is your tribe and these are your people. They may drive you nuts sometimes but you can't be without them. It can take time to find your tribe but when you do, they are yours and you are theirs. There is a great peace in knowing someone has your back. #dailymindfulness #findyourtribe Daily Mindfulness
Knight of Swords Today is all about mastering your instincts and trusting yourself enough to make decisions moment by moment, guided by them. When you are on track and doing what you need to be doing, you get a "feeling," and things fall into place. When you are veering away - you also get a "feeling," a sinking one most likely. Often we ignore these and things go very pear shaped. Learn to listen to those feelings. #dailymindfulness Daily Mindfulness
So, three jumpers today all in a pack that fell on my countertop and they tell a most wonderful story. A note: I rarely use reversed cards - when they do fall out like today - I read them as something I need to take within and open up - that I am most likely blocking this energy. High Priestess (r) - Nine of Cups - Queen of Cups Time to go deep within, past all the dreams and hopes of the physical world - until I hit my true center - that is where my truth lives. Many possibilities await here if I only sit still long enough and stop listening to the outside worlds chatter. Nine of Cups - My guides have traveled far and wide with me - helping me discover new depths on my journey. They also taught me to strive for what I want and to live in joy with each new experience. Most importantly, they taught me to ignore the voices of skepticism and to trust myself. Queen of Cups - This Queen has given me the gift of unconditional love - the perfect gift from one healer to another. #dailymindfulness |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
August 2024