Daily Mindfulness
Medicine Cards Swan - shows us the wonders of grace. She surrendered to the rhythms of the Universe and became one with all planes of consciousness. Accept your ability to know what lies ahead. Let yourself transform into who you are meant to be, don't deny it or hold back! Relax and go with the natural flow of things. Let go of illusion and trust the universe and yourself - follow the spiral of your path with trust and grace!
Jaguar Medicine is about integrity. It is about devouring the unclean aspects of human behavior. Jaguar teaches us the penalties of bad behavior and offers rewards of good medicine to those who stand in their personal integrity.
If Jaguar visits you it may be rewarding you for maintaining your integrity in a situation where you could have abused your authority. It is always best to not pass judgements on another or to be self-serving. Be kind to others and help even when it is unexpected. Be your personal best at all times. Maintain your dignity and compassion and honesty no matter what contrary influences are happening. Jaguar knows mistakes happen and that is ok. Embrace forgiveness and make self-directed corrections so you can rebalance your spirit and triumph once again. Turtle Medicine is that of Mother Earth! Turtle is one of the oldest symbols for the planet Earth. Like Mother Earth can protect herself, Turtle has a great shell to protect itself. And like Turtle, we have ways to protect ourselves!
If Turtle has come to you, you are being asked to honor your creative self, to ground yourself to the Earth and to look at what is happening with motherly compassion. To stay grounded is vital because you learn to focus on your own thoughts and actions and slow your racing thoughts. Turtle tells you it is time to reconnect with the power of Earth and the Mother-Goddess within. You are always connect to the Earth and she will always find a way to help you stay grounded and safe. Alligator Medicine is one of integration. Of "rolling with," whatever comes up in life. Refrain from passing any judgement until you have looked at all sides of the situation. Drop preconceived notions and old opinions so you can really see what is in front of you.
Don't get stuck in the judgement game. What missing pieces can be affecting your assessment of this situation? It is never too late to reevaluate something so you can integrate new lessons and have a flexible point of view. Rabbit is about fear. When Rabbit shows up, it's a reminder to stop talking about all the bad things that can happen or might happen. Rabbit energy is most alive when we are scared and we then become our own worst enemy.
Notice your thoughts and the things you say - those things shape your future. If you keep bemoaning all the bad things that COULD happen, they WILL happen because you will draw them to you. You need to think about what it is you are concerned about. Can you do anything about it? Is it a real and concrete issue? If you have no control over what it is you are worried about or this "thing," hasn't even happened, then STOP. You will do yourself no good if you continue this way. Write your feelings down. See what it is you are most worried about and find ways to face them if they are things you can actually fix. Deal with what you have control over and let those vague feelings of worry go - otherwise, you may end up drawing them into reality. Squirrel medicine is all about gathering and planning for the future. It teaches us how to gather and store our energies for times of need as well as teaching us how to reserve something for future use. This goes for energy, food, money etc.
It is wise to prepare for any eventuality and Squirrel is great for learning to save for rainy days. Be prepared but don't obsess over it. Gather enough resources so you feel safe and secure for anything that may arise. This also goes for letting go of things that no longer grow corn for you. Lighten your load by eliminating things that are taking up space and no longer serve you. This will create a safe place for you to keep you gatherings. You will have just what you need when you need it and the energies kept there will set your mind free. All will be taken care of! Ant Medicine is all about patience, stamina, planning and working together. Ants carry food miles and miles to get back to their anthills and they see the greater future needs of their communities. Even if it takes years, they plan and they carry that plan out bit by bit until it is done.
If Ant has shown itself to you it is time to have trust and patience in your life right now. Remember that you will get what you need when you need it most and to have patience while you wait. The important part is what you do while you wait... how can you use your power of creation at this time so it doesn't feel like you are wasting time? Owl medicine is usually associated with clairvoyance and magic. Owls hunt at night and can see in the dark, accurately pinpointing sounds to great advantage. Their feathers are often called, "deceiver feathers," because they are so silent and you cannot hear him when he flies overhead.
If you have Owl medicine it is very likely that no one can deceive you about much of anything. You can sense what they are up to and won't put up with it. You have a keen insight and intuition - keep trusting that and don't be fooled by people with ulterior motives. Owl brings you total truth and will often come to you in dreams or meditation so pay attention to the signs. Truth always brings enlightenment. Raccoon is the medicine of generous protector! He provides for the underdogs and those in need. He tends to the needs of others before himself and reminds us that generosity always comes around in a full circle to those who give.
If Raccoon has come to you he is a reminder to look around and see who needs you and your strength today. Speak in defense of those who need your voice and share your time and energy with those who could benefit from them. Raccoon asks that you honor yourself and others equally. Provide for yourself and your needs as well so that you don't deplete your strength. Also be aware of people who wish to take and not give in return. Don't keep giving to those who only take - stay balanced! Butterfly Medicine is that of the air - which makes it of the mind and to know that mind and change it. It is the power of Transformation. To use Butterfly medicine, you need to observe yourself on the Wheel of Life. Butterfly shows us that we are always on a never-ending wheel of transforming the self. Which stage are you at during any given time?
Egg stage: The first thought of something Larva stage: Decision time Cocoon stage: Developing the idea to make it real Birth stage: Sharing the completed idea or thing When you figure out where you are in the cycle you can then see what you need to do next to continue onward. Using air/mental powers of Butterfly medicine will give you clarity to help you organize whatever you wish to do. When Butterfly arrives it is telling you it is time for transformation - so take courage, use your wings and fly! |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025