Daily Mindfulness
YESSSSSSSSSSSS It is Spirit Halloween Tarot Time! Welcome to October! Although, starting with The Tower? LOL Why not? It is a useful explosion of energy if we harness it correctly. And this Tower comes with a guardian gargoyle - who will watch over us as we make our way into this new space. The Tower - Things are going to happen that are out of your control. This is a dramatic bolt out of the blue that will clear out the things that need to go. You will make space for newer and better things to enter. It may seem harsh and cause great upheavals in your life, but try to look at this event in a positive light if you can. Things will work out even if it seems all is chaos. Gargoyle -These creatures are said to frighten off evil spirits and protect those that it guards, such as a church, from any evil or harmful spirits.
Daily Mindfulness
Timely - this is a fiery and energetic card and September decided to go out with a bang heat wave LOL Time to get your passion and creativity going and find your joy in life! Lust High temp's aside, this is such a powerful card. The message of Lust is this: At some point we are going to come to a level of consciousness so high that the only thing left is the universal consciousness of deity. Our dissolution into that consciousness is what we are trying to attain. Deity Lusts for that moment when we all return to it and we should also Lust for that moment as well. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #tarotmagic #thegreatwork #thelema #alchemicaltrump #lusttarotcard #lustforlife #letlovedevourallthings #thescarletwoman #babylon #dissolutionintotheuniversalself #liveecstatically Daily Mindfulness
There are a lot of songs that go well with this card. Today's song: Oh the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' I don't' know where I'll be tomorrow Ooo the wheel in the sky keeps on turnin' Fortune This card thus represents the Universe in its aspect as continual change of state - Crowley. Fortune, is the wheel that keeps everything in perpetual motion. Riding it are Hermanubis, Typhon and the Sphinx (mercury, salt and sulfur) and they are going around and around constantly one-upping each other as they go up and then down. .. . As we are still below the Abyss we will struggle with Fortune as we go around and around. The best place to do this is from the center. If we can stay balanced and not struggle against this wheel that constantly turns, we can find our own centers and not be crushed by change. Be open and prepared for anything and stay open to that energy flow - go with it and see what opportunities life brings you. .. . #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #treeoflife #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #fortunecard #continualchange #staycentered #staybalanced #findyourcenter #thedemiurge #followthyfortune #belowtheabyss #alchemicaltrump #thegreatwork #thelema Daily Mindfulness
Change - not always comfortable but always necessary to our forward momentum and growth. Two of Disks All of the two's represent the first manifestation of their element (Aces are the seeds) Disks = earth and earth = the throne of spirit. It sits in Chokmah, realm of creation and energy - it takes our seed from the Ace and gets it moving. .. . It also reminds us that everything is in constant change, ever moving to stay balanced. It is a time to stay open and flexible, not letting anything get stagnate. .. . This card kind of looks like a splitting cell, dividing and getting ready to grow in the material world. All of the elements are symbolised in here - everything we need to get creating. .. . #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #dailytarotcard #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarot #crowleythothtarot #thothtarotdeck #bookofthoth #treeoflife #thegreatwork #twoofdisks #manifestyourlife #alltheelements #earthairfirewater #youhaveeverythingyouneed #constantchange #dontstagnate #beopentochange #stayflexible #keepmovingforward Daily Mindfulness
I know the stabby cards are never fun - and in the RWS decks this one is a fair horror. But in reality, it isn't - we just need to be brave and face what we are shying away from. Three of Swords Lady Harris wrote to Crowley about this card: "Please don't frighten me with the Sword suit. The 3 was a fair horror and great suffering." .. . Ok so- first of all - the Aces/Two's and Three's all reside above the Abyss on the Tree of Life, which usually makes them all very happy cards - but at first glance this three does not look happy. That is why we need to go deeper than the first glance. Above the Abyss, "sorrow," isn't like the type of sadness we find below the abyss, that material hurt that guts us. This is more of an abstract feeling because here, the actuality of things don't exist. .. . Sorrow is really the closest word we can come to this feeling - this higher state of consciousness that is hard to understand where we sit below the abyss. Up here there is no form - this three represents the trace of sorrow that enlightened the Buddha! .. . This card helps us face the illusions that we surround ourselves with because they can be better than facing reality. But they are false and understanding that will help us understand what is happening and help us to make better decisions. We need to engage with this hurt not hide from it. Trust that you have the power to work through this - and will come out stronger for it. .. . #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #dailytarotcard #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #crowleythothtarot #threeofswords #abovetheabyss #faceillusion #facethehurt #engagewithhurt #donthidefromthetruth #higherstateofconsciousness #facereality #youarestrongerthanyouthink #workwiththesorrow #yougotthis Daily Mindfulness
I don't know about you guys, but I totally need this crazy fire energy right now. This let's us know that we have all the power we need to get stuff done with confidence! Prince of Wands Air of Fire, this is Crowley's idealized image of himself, his personal seal the Mark of the Beast, on his chest. He is also seated in the Thunderbolt asana which was Crowley's favorite yoga posture. .. . This is the energy you need when you have a lot of challenges to tackle or when you are feeling doubts about your abilities to deal with things. Stand strong and stay confident! .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarotdeck #thothtarot #bookofthoth #understandingaleistercrowleysthothtarot #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #powerfultarotdeck #thegreatwork #princeofwands #airoffire #fightagainsttheodds #strongcharacter #tacklechallenges #standstrong #stayconfident #fieryenergy #dontdoubtyourself #yougotthis Daily Mindfulness
After looking at my calendar to see my plans for the next week or so, I was pondering how to spend my "free day" today - and this card popped out to greet me. A bit of pleasure is a needed thing! Six of Cups This card really does look like Pleasure. We have balance again and this card just looks happy and bouncy doesn't it? Crowley says, "Pleasure - in the title card- must be understood in its highest sense; it implies well-being, harmony of natural forces without effort or strain, ease, satisfaction." Commencement of steady increase, gain, pleasure. But Commencement Only. As you can see, water is now flowing again from the lotus blossoms but they have only started to fill up! .. . We have gotten through some heavy emotional turmoil and now we are finding our balance again - with an open heart, keeping our expectations based in reality and staying in the moment. There is an endless river of love and energy for us if we open ourselves up to swim in it. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #tarotmagic #dailytarotcard #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #thegreatwork #sixofcups #openyourselftotheuniverse #endlessflowofenergy #keepyourheartopen #thestartofgreatthings #beginnings #newthingsarecoming #stayopentoopportunity #trustyourself Daily Mindfulness
I tend to get this card when I need to put on my "big girl" pants and get things done - especially if I have been putting it off for awhile. The Emperor has no time for that sort of thing LOL The Emperor Third alchemical trump, Sulfur, The Emperor represents Aries - Mars rules and Sol is exulted. Crowley says that the sign is thus a combination of energy in its most material form with the idea of authority. .. . He is the masculine life force, dynamic, authoritative and full of strong leadership. He is less emotional than his Empress - this energy is perfect for standing strong when feeling vulnerable. Stand strong in your power and trust yourself. .. . #crowleythothtarot #learningthethothdeck #bookofthoth #dailytarotcard #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotmagic #aliestercrowley #thelema #thegreatwork #alchemicaltrump #walkthroughthethothtarot #theemperor #alchemicalsulfur #redtincture #masculinelifeforce #standstronginyourpower #authority #trustyourself #fieryenergy Daily Mindfulness
This card reminds me of trying to cross a rickety bridge that was built when dragons ruled the earth while also trying to do 10 other things at the same time. That never turns out well. Eight of Swords Crowley says, "the Will is constantly thwarted by accidental interference." This card enters Hod, the sphere of Mercury, and Hod being low and out of balance on the Tree of Life leaves this card out of skew. The Swords are about airy freedom of the mind, but Hod is more about structure, so we get blocked there too. .. . Too much force applied to small things; too much attention to detail at the expense of the principal and more important points. We are nitpicking and over analysing everything here, looking for reasons to be contrary. Overall, our minds are restless. .. . When this happens we just need to stop and take a look at what is happening, instead of rushing about with no direction. Banging your head on the wall isn't going to help here. This is temporary and we just need to let this go and focus our energies on the things we can deal with right now. .. . #walkthroughthethothtarot #thothtarot #crowleythothtarot #bookofthoth #treeoflife #tarotreadersofinstagram #dailytarotreading #tarotcardoftheday #tarotstudy #learningtarot #eightofswords #dontbangyourhead #refocus #makeagameplan #restlessmind #mentalinterference #letgoofthingsyoucantcontrol #dealwithwhatsinfrontofyou Daily Mindfulness
This is our monkey mind running amok! Many ideas and thoughts with no focus or direction - time to tame them a bit LOL Prince of Swords Air of Air, this Prince has a lot of energy but it's going all over the place and in no discernable direction. The children pull the chariot of the Prince in several directions. From the Book of Thoth: the chariot is being pulled irresponsibly in any direction that takes their fancy; they are not reined, but perfectly capricious. The chariot consequently is easy enough to move, but quite unable to progress in any definite direction except by accident. This is a perfect picture of the Mind! .. . This energy is pure air with nothing to stabilize it so we need to be aware and counter that flightiness. There is so much mental agility here and if we can tame it and give it a focus and outlet, we can create great works! .. . #tarotcardoftheday #tarotreadersofinstagram #readingtarotcards #dailytarotcard #walkthroughthethothtarot #crowleythoth #thothtarot🔮 #thegreatwork #tarotstudies #teachingthetarot #princeofswords #airofair #nodirection #runningaimlessly #needfocus #needdirection #fullofideas #monkeymind #stayfocused #stayincontrol #dontletyourmindwander |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
February 2025