I know it's been awhile since I have posted anything - mostly due to not much to say LOL But this morning I had a dream of such intensity that I had to get it down. I was in a tent in my backyard with a lot of other people but the only one I really saw/interacted with was a Shaman who was chanting. The tent had a mesh circle at the top to let smoke out and I could see as the Shaman chanted the sky was turning dark/stormy/cloudy. As the Shaman finished the skies cleared enough to let 2 large black feathers drift down onto the mesh of the tent top. The Shaman and I went outside and he tipped the tent to let me catch the feathers. At first I thought they were Crow or Raven feathers (my totem) but I realized they were way too large for that. As I held them and stroked them and straightened them out (one was bent a bit) I saw images in my head of a very large bird with a colorful face. The Shaman could also see my vision and when I said, "OH that is the Turkey bird!" he looked at me like I was a stupid child and he was very disappointed in me. He said something in my head not out loud, like. "child that is not a turkey anything you should know that." I was like, oh wait I KNOW that, it is just as a child I called it that for some reason? (as I was going over the dream I realized I had been that child and this Shaman knew me then which gave me some serious goosebumps) I realized the Shaman was giving off some serious disappointed vibes at me as I held the feathers and saw that face in my mind. Then I woke up. So, I am writing this all down and I guessed it was maybe a turkey vulture but the Shaman said it wasn't a Turkey anything! So, I finished writing and got ready for the day. As soon as I logged onto my computer - it shows a daily pop up of something new to learn about and there is always a small icon at the bottom of my toolbar highlighting it.... It was a massive bird So many chills ran through me as I clicked on it and saw the California Condor.
I have been reading about this Bird all morning and honored that it has chosen to communicate with me by sending me its feathers. Some highlights of my study that gave me more chills: California condor ceremonies have been lost in the mists of time, but there are adequate verbal accounts to provide some basis for understanding them. The first recorded account comes from October 8, 1769 when Fr. Juan Crespi observed a large stuffed condor in an Ohlone village near the present day Watsonville. I have family from Watsonville. California condors also played a part in cosmic events. Among the Chumash, condors or eagles were sacrificed based on which celestial body was prominently visible at the time of the ceremony. Eagles were selected for rituals concerned with the Evening Star (Venus), while condors were chosen for rituals associated with the planet Mars My ruling planet is Mars (Im a fiery Aries LOL) Peruvians connect the Condor with the heavenly Thunderbird. This correlation has much to do with Condor’s expansive wingspan, which is larger than any other bird of prey, measuring around nine feet Thunderbird has also come to me in dreams People throughout the Amazonian basin respect Condor as one who communicates with spirits. He represents the soul’s progression toward spiritual ascension through the lessons of many lives. Condor masters the weather bestows wisdom and vision and inspires the psychic art of prophecy. There is scattered evidence of the ritual use of California condors through much of the Californias. The sacrifice of these birds seems to have been widespread. In general, this served to transfer the power of the bird sacrificed to those engaged in its ritual killing. Possibly the condor's association with the dead (being a carrion eater), led to its incorporation into mourning activities and renewal ceremonies. I am a psychopomp It is apparent that California condors held a special place in the lives and ceremonies of California natives. It was a revered creature, a master of the spirit, who gave power to humans for a variety of world renewal and cosmic purposes. It was associated with death and mourning as well as rebirth and renewal. I hope to honor this visit and I am excited to learn more from Condor. I also hope the Shaman has stopped giving me the side-eye and I finally figured out the Bird, now to understand its Message. #bigdreams #dreaming #psychopomp #earthkeeper #moderndayshaman #californiacondor #condor #dreammessages #shamanicpractioner #dreamwork
So, I got up early for me, 7 AM, because some gardening needed tending before it hit 101 degrees today. I was kneeling down moving some rocks and I saw this huge shadow on the wall. I looked up and Egret was staring right at me. I froze and I think my brain stopped functioning for a few seconds. Then I was trying to stage whisper to my Dad to LOOK AT THE WALL. The Egret didn't seem fussed by us at all and just continued to sit and stare, then slowly walked along the wall to eat a bug or two. We watched this gorgeous bird for a few minutes and then it just took flight and left us dazed a bit. What an honor. I was even more dazzled when I discovered one of Egret/Heron/Crane's attributes is a Psychopomp and stories of the Afterlife ! Huh! Some other Egret symbolism: It has been said to have Divine Connections - a direct link to God. They originate in the place where the spirits of the dead go to the journey to the afterlife. In the Bible it is associated with Christ's suffering because of the belief that this bird sheds tears. It has a strong bond with all of the elements giving it diversity, balance and adaptation. It teaches us to relax and BREATHE - helping us to restore inner calmness. Egret medicine instills in us a sense of center to help us refine our senses and heighten our awareness. Egret shows us how to be still and patient. To watch and wait with grace. It brings much good luck. What an amazing morning. I had a very big dream the other morning - someone kept telling me that I had to Remember Who You Are and that it was my last chance to remember. (No pressure dream!)
What was frustrating was that I could almost remember - it was right there, but I couldn't grab it. After thinking on it when I woke up, I pulled some cards and they were pretty spot on as usual. Card One I asked: Who Am I? Star - The return of hope and healing Card Two I asked: Why Am I Here? Knight of Cups Journey beyond the known to find my destiny (well that is sort of right on the money LOL) Also a quest for emotional connection and that there is a danger in not pursuing my dreams - mkay then LOL Card Three I asked: What did I forget? Six of Swords I need to leave behind the known and journey far away - there is no guarantee that what comes next will be any better or have greater promise but to have hope. (Star) I also love how that card is facing back to the first two cards - as if pointing me in the direction of what I need to remember. Moving past the known - be brave and have hope - journey into the unknown - there are greater benefits in moving forward than staying stuck. Can't argue with that. I truly believe that the Earth is a living sentient being. And we are royally fucking her up too. But anyway. I've been studying shamanism to go along with my end of life care/psychopomp way of life and I just read the other night that when you truly give love to the earth, ie by tending to it and helping it to be healthy, she will thank you for your kindness.
So yesterday evening, I'm out back watering and sending happy thoughts so grass will grow again and while I'm meditating on it mindfully and enjoying the way the water smells when it hits the dry earth, I hear crows. So I look up and two fly across the cloudy, overcast, sky right over the sun.... And then. And then. So beautiful... A rainbow. A circular rainbow literally blossomed out if the clouds as I watched. Coincidence? Maybe. But I believe I got a thank you from the Universe. And this synchronicity kind of felt like a little miracle just for me! The effect is called a Sun Halo - a refraction/reflection of ice crystals. I have never seen one personally before and to see it bloom while I was looking up at the crows flying by, was just amazing. I have been having more and more of these experiences since starting my Psychopomp studies too. And I am so very grateful. The photos don't do it justice - I only had my phone but still, I think they are lovely. |
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May 2024