Ram's Head with Hollyhock!
It is one of my favorite Georgia O'keeffe paintings and I think it's turning out ok - although the sky is taking forrr eeee veerrrr LOL
These were made for friends as birthday gifts.
The first is from Back to the Future - Pepsi Perfect! My friend is a avid BTTF collector and loved this! Then I made a little hippo love for another friend. I think both of these will make it into my etsy shop soon! This is just a prototype - I am not liking the dragon heads but it was a nice start. I am doing these in black floss on red material.
Since the ending of Game of Thrones I have been doing some embroidery to keep the spirit alive. First I started with just a hoop design and then decided to put it on a baseball tee. I like the way it came out! Although, that tee was a pain in the butt to embroider LOL
I wanted to see how various types of stitches would look so I could adjust for mass production LOL I had fun with this one. I think I would make it smaller though. This was a case of me wondering if I could embroider something to look like the art on the card. I think it turned out pretty well actually. SUPPLIES! Because Hobby Lobby! I really couldn't find any yarnish type thread I liked today but I want to make fuzzier llamas LOL
And that is what I have been up to lately. Following my addiction to Hobby Lobby.... this is sort of what came out of it so far. I can't believe I haven't posted any photos yet! I love embroidery and am discovering all sorts of things to do with it. I have also discovered that I need a lot more floss and hoops than I first thought LOL
I also found GLOW IN THE DARK embroidery floss and OH YES I love it. There are metallic flosses too which I like the look of, but man, that stuff is like sewing with tin foil! Anyway, I am hoping to practice and make lots of fun things and maybe open at etsy shop if things flow in that direction. In the photo: The lightning cactus - variegated floss and metallic floss. Shoot for the Moon - the stars and moon and bits of the rocket are in Glow in the Dark floss Hedgehog is all done with felt Skull - regular and metallic floss Homer J! Regular floss ( I had seen this one floating around and had to try it LOL) The llama and birds are kits I bought which were fun! I bought a book on stumpwork and also painting with thread so I am off to have some fun learning this new art form! |
All work by CCopyright WideworldofC Archives
June 2019