Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Lower World Last week we worked in the Middle World, now we venture to the place of our ancestors where we discover our gifts and learn the lessons of our past. This is where we work with our Shadow, meet our personal demons and transform them into positive energy and create our personal power. Honor yourself - all of you, good and bad; dark and light - don't hide. You are the hero of your journey - let yourself shine. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #rightrelationshipwithspirit #ayni #youarealmostthere #nowisthetime #lowerworld #letyourselfshine #honoryourself #personalpower #transformation
Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Middle World This is the world of everyday reality and it is a mirror of the invisible realms. This is the time of the present moment - where everything is happening. When things are right in the middle world then the Universe supports us. When things seem off and nothing is quite working right, then we must align our Middle World and bring things back into order. Right now, things are in ayni, or right relation, and it's the time to move forward - don't hesitate but don't be reckless either. Trust yourself. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #rightrelationshipwithspirit #ayni #youarealmostthere #middleworld #nowisthetime Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
Rainbow What a wonderful card! It tells us to persevere and not to give up hope because we are almost there! Things may be challenging right now but life is about to take a positive turn - Rainbow is an affirmation that we are in a right relationship (ayni) with Spirit. Light is coming and day is dawning - stay the course, while this isn't a victory lap yet, we are on the right path and fabulous things are on the horizon. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #therainbow #rightrelationshipwithspirit #ayni #youarealmostthere Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Gatherer This is the provider, the gardener who collects what is needed before the long winters when things are scarce. They see the bounty of Nature everywhere and they do not hoard because they trust that bounty will be there when it is needed. Now is the time to banish our notions of scarcity (I fight with this all the time) because we have options and choices all around us. Don't limit your destiny by limiting your vision. Trust the Universe and Trust Yourself. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #thegatherer #trusttheuniverse #trustyourself #whatyouneedisthereforyou Daily Mindfulness for the Week Ahead
The Smoky Mirror This represents the aspects of what is implied yet cannot be immediately known. This is the mystery of how things come together and how they fall apart with no apparent causality. When we look into the Smoky Mirror we are invited to see beyond our own selves. There is a huge interconnected world where events are orchestrated in divine order - which can make it hard for us to see and understand things at first. (and if you have control issues like me, this can suck) This is the time to trust that what is happening is supposed to happen - if we don't understand it right now, we will through time and experience. #dailymindfulness #dailymindfulnessfortheweekahead #mysticalshamanoraclecards #earthkeepers #moderndayshaman #shamanicpractice #oraclecardoftheday #thesmokymirror #seebeyondourselves #trustwhatishappening #trusttheuniverse #trustyourself #letgoofcontrol |
AuthorMy Tarot Card Practice. I have been studying Tarot for over 20 years now and am still learning new things daily. Archives
September 2024